Regular university classes run from Sep. 2, 2022 to Dec. 9, 2022
Regular deadline to add/drop: Sep. 9, 2022 12:00pm  
Regular last day to withdraw: Nov. 25, 2022  

The content on this page is intended for information purposes only.
Availability and/or registration in courses is not guaranteed.

Course SectionCourse TitleOpen SeatsDel.DaysStart TimeEnd TimeInstructor(s)
ACCT101 B Introductory Financial Accounting7 A OSF2FTR10:2012:25Manish, Hank
ACCT102 A Introductory Management Accounting28 A OSF2FTR08:0010:15Fitzner, Jeff
ACCT301 A Intermediate Financial Accounting I9 A OSF2FMWF11:0011:50Sun, David
ACCT303 A Intermediate Management Accounting11 A OSF2FMWF12:0012:50Riaz, Hammad
ACCT310 A Canadian Income Tax 1FULLIndTR12:3513:50Sun, David
ACCT403 A Accounting Information Systems14 AF2FTR17:0018:15Fitzner, Jeff
ACCT406 A Advanced Financial Accounting19 AIndW17:0019:50Bohaichuk, Sue
ARAB 101 A Arabic Language for Beginners I14 A OSBldMW
Hussein, Mai
ARTH101 A Survey of Western Art I18 A OSF2FMW16:0017:15Goddard, Brandi
BBAS 197 A Bounce Back Academic Strategies 1978 OSF2FT14:0015:15Cronin, Keely
Klippenstein, Janet
Peters, Lily
BBAS 198 A Bounce Back Academic Strategies 19814 OSF2F Cronin, Keely
Klippenstein, Janet
Peters, Lily
BES 107 A Introduction to Cell Biology2 A OSF2FMWF12:0012:50Churchward, Matthew
BES 107 ALLab for Introduction to Cell Biology1 A OSF2FT14:0016:50Pentyliuk, Natasha
BES 107 B Introduction to Cell Biology6 A OSF2FMWF13:0013:50Walsh, John
BES 107 BLLab for Introduction to Cell Biology2 A OSF2FT18:0020:50Pentyliuk, Natasha
BES 107 C Introduction to Cell Biology15 A OSF2FTR08:0009:15Walsh, John
BES 107 CLLab for Introduction to Cell Biology1 A OSF2FW09:0011:50Price, Glynis
BES 107 D Introduction to Cell Biology2 A OSF2FTR12:3513:50Steenbergen, Rineke
BES 107 DLLab for Introduction to Cell Biology1 A OSF2FW14:0016:50Price, Glynis
BES 107 FLLab for Introduction to Cell BiologyFULLF2FR09:2512:15Miller, Brittney
BES 107 GLLab for Introduction to Cell Biology1 A OSF2FR14:0016:50Miller, Brittney
BES 107 HLLab for Introduction to Cell Biology15 A OSF2FR18:0020:50Hughes, Devin
BES 107 JLLab for Introduction to Cell Biology2 A OSF2FF09:0011:50Ganes, Maggie
BES 107 KLLab for Introduction to Cell Biology2 A OSF2FF14:0016:50Ganes, Maggie
BES 107 MLLab for Introduction to Cell BiologyFULLF2FT09:2512:15Miller, Brittney
BIO 100 A Introduction to Biological SystemsFULLF2FTR09:2510:40Steenbergen, Rineke
BIO 100 B Introduction to Biological Systems2 A OSF2FTR15:2516:40Steenbergen, Rineke
BIO 100 E Introduction to Biological Systems36 A OSF2FMWF16:0016:50Rybkina, Xenia
BIO 201 A Cellular Biology7 A OSF2FTR08:0009:15Steenbergen, Rineke
BIO 201 BLLab for Cellular Biology7 A OSF2FW09:0011:50Ganes, Maggie
BIO 201 CLLab for Cellular BiologyFULLF2FW14:0016:50Ganes, Maggie
BIO 207 A Molecular Genetics and Heredity16 A OSF2FMWF08:0008:50Walsh, John
BIO 207 ALLab for Molecular Genetics and HeredityFULLF2FM14:0016:50Ganes, Maggie
BIO 207 B Molecular Genetics and Heredity3 A OSF2FTR12:3513:50Walsh, John
BIO 207 BLLab for Molecular Genetics and Heredity3 A OSF2FM18:0020:50Walsh, John
BIO 207 CLLab for Molecular Genetics and HeredityFULLF2FT09:0011:50Price, Glynis
BIO 207 DLLab for Molecular Genetics and HeredityFULLF2FT14:0016:50Price, Glynis
BIO 207 ELLab for Molecular Genetics and Heredity16 A OSF2FT18:0020:50Ganes, Maggie
BIO 208 A Principles of Ecology9 A OSF2FMWF12:0012:50Nyade, Praise
BIO 208 ALLab for Principles of Ecology1 A OSF2FT14:0016:50Springer, Kyle
BIO 208 B Principles of Ecology6 A OSF2FTR09:2510:40Androschuk, Tara
BIO 208 BLLab for Principles of Ecology5 A OSF2FT18:0020:50Jovtoulia, Anna
BIO 208 CLLab for Principles of Ecology2 A OSF2FW09:0011:50Springer, Kyle
BIO 208 DLLab for Principles of EcologyFULLF2FW14:0016:50Moghrabi, Adam
BIO 208 ELLab for Principles of Ecology7 A OSF2FW18:0020:50Moghrabi, Adam
BIO 211 A Flora and Fauna of Alberta7 A OSF2FTR12:3513:50Androschuk, Tara
BIO 211 ALLab for Flora and Fauna of Alberta1 A OSF2FM14:0016:50Jovtoulia, Anna
Springer, Kyle
BIO 211 BLLab for Flora and Fauna of Alberta6 A OSF2FM18:0020:50Jovtoulia, Anna
Springer, Kyle
BIO 220 A Soil Science9 A OSF2FMWF13:0013:50Mapfumo, Emmanuel
BIO 220 ALLab for Soil Science2 A OSF2FR09:2512:15Nyade, Praise
BIO 220 BLLab for Soil Science7 A OSF2FR14:0016:50Nyade, Praise
BIO 227 A Science CommunicationFULLF2FMWF09:0009:50Katyal, Isha
BIO 245 A Plant Physiology8 A OSF2FMWF11:0011:50Chen, Xin
BIO 245 ALLab for Plant PhysiologyFULLF2FR09:2512:15Springer, Kyle
BIO 245 BLLab for Plant Physiology8 A OSF2FR14:0016:50Springer, Kyle
BIO 260 A Human Anatomy3 A OSF2FMWF14:0014:50Janowicz, Mariola
BIO 261 B Human Physiology23 A OSF2FMWF15:0015:50Janowicz, Mariola
BIO 304 A Aquatic Biology14 A OSF2FMWF10:0010:50Janowicz, Mariola
BIO 304 ALLab for Aquatic Biology4 A OSF2FM14:0016:50Pentyliuk, Natasha
BIO 304 BLLab for Aquatic Biology7 A OSF2FM18:0020:50Pentyliuk, Natasha
BIO 304 CLLab for Aquatic Biology3 A OSF2FT08:0011:00Pentyliuk, Natasha
BIO 307 A Advanced Molecular Genetics1 A OSF2FTR09:2510:40Hemmerling, Deborah
BIO 310 A Bioenergetics and Metabolism14 A OSF2FTR15:2516:40Churchward, Matthew
BIO 330 A Work Experience5 A OSF2F Chen, Xin
Churchward, Matthew
Hemmerling, Deborah
BIO 339 A Conservation BiologyFULLF2FTR14:0015:15Chen, Xin
BIO 340 A Nucleic Acids11 A OSF2FMWF12:0012:50Hemmerling, Deborah
BIO 343 A Cellular Communication and Symbiosis11 A OSF2FMWF13:0013:50Hemmerling, Deborah
BIO 355 A Virology29 A OSF2FMWF16:0016:50Steenbergen, Rineke
BIO 421 A Bioinformatics19 AInd Churchward, Matthew
BIO 450 A Independent Study2 AInd Chen, Xin
Churchward, Matthew
Hemmerling, Deborah
Janowicz, Mariola
Mapfumo, Emmanuel
BIO 470 A Senior Seminar in Biology1 AF2FM14:0015:50Hemmerling, Deborah
BIO 470 B Senior Seminar in Biology5 AF2FF14:0015:50Churchward, Matthew
BIO 480 A Advanced Research Methods1 AF2FMWF09:0009:50Chen, Xin
Churchward, Matthew
Hemmerling, Deborah
Mapfumo, Emmanuel
BIO 480 B Advanced Research Methods9 AF2FMWF08:0008:50Chen, Xin
Churchward, Matthew
Hemmerling, Deborah
Mapfumo, Emmanuel
BIO 488 A Independent Research IFULLURP Hemmerling, Deborah
BIO 488 B Independent Research I3 AURP Chen, Xin
BIO 488 C Independent Research I1 AURP Churchward, Matthew
BIO 488 D Independent Research I3 AURP Mapfumo, Emmanuel
BIO 488 E Independent Research I3 AURP Janowicz, Mariola
BIOCH200 A Introductory Biochemistry3 A OSF2FMWF11:0011:50Rodriguez-Lopez, Eva
BIOCH310 A Bioenergetics and Metabolism14 A OSF2FTR15:2516:40Churchward, Matthew
BIOCH340 A Nucleic Acids11 A OSF2FMWF12:0012:50Hemmerling, Deborah
BIOCH343 A Cellular Communication and Symbiosis11 A OSF2FMWF13:0013:50Hemmerling, Deborah
BUS 110 A Business Fundamentals8 A OSF2FMWF09:0009:50Oluwi, Victor
BUS 110 B Business Fundamentals5 A OSF2FMWF13:0013:50Fitzner, Jeff
BUS 110 C Business Fundamentals32 A OSF2FMWF16:0016:50Ejaz, Abdullah
BUS 111 A Business Computations10 A OSF2FMWF11:0011:50Fitzner, Jeff
BUS 112 A Business Statistics8 A OSF2FMWF08:0008:50Daniels, Jason
BUS 112 ALLab for Business Statistics8 A OSF2FF09:0009:50Daniels, Jason
BUS 120 A Organizational Behaviour1 A OSF2FMWF11:0011:50Loo, Mark
BUS 210 A Principles of Business Law14 A OSF2FMWF10:0010:50Fitzner, Jeff
BUS 210 C Principles of Business Law24 A OSF2FTR12:3513:50Skeith, Andrew
BUS 220 A Principles of Management3 A OSF2FTR11:1012:25Balderson, Darren
BUS 250 A Management Information Systems11 A OSF2FMWF13:0013:50Thompson, Shawn
CH 101 A Introductory University Chemistry I3 A OSF2FMWF12:0012:50Scott, David
CH 101 ALLab for Introductory University Chemistry IFULLF2FW08:0010:50Clark, Rhett
CH 101 B Introductory University Chemistry I6 A OSF2FMWF13:0013:50Lesanko, Agnes
Washington, John
CH 101 BLLab for Introductory University Chemistry I2 A OSF2FW08:0010:50Rodriguez-Lopez, Eva
CH 101 CLLab for Introductory University Chemistry IFULLF2FW14:0016:50Klein, Brittney
CH 101 D Introductory University Chemistry I3 A OSF2FTR12:3513:50Pitchko, Vladimir
CH 101 DLLab for Introductory University Chemistry I1 A OSF2FW14:0016:50Dezhahang, Zahra
CH 101 ELLab for Introductory University Chemistry I3 A OSF2FW18:0020:50Dezhahang, Zahra
CH 101 GLLab for Introductory University Chemistry I2 A OSF2FR08:0010:50Klein, Brittney
CH 101 HLLab for Introductory University Chemistry I3 A OSF2FR08:0010:50Lesanko, Agnes
CH 101 JLLab for Introductory University Chemistry IFULLF2FR14:0016:50Dezhahang, Zahra
CH 101 KLLab for Introductory University Chemistry I1 A OSF2FR14:0016:50Clark, Rhett
CH 150 A The Core of Chemistry23 A OSF2FMWF08:0008:50Lesanko, Agnes
CH 211 A Quantitative Analytical Chemistry I32 A OSF2FMWF12:0012:50Golizeh, Makan
Washington, John
CH 211 ALLab for Quantitative Analytical Chemistry I4 A OSF2FR08:0011:50Clark, Rhett
CH 211 DLLab for Quantitative Analytical Chemistry I4 A OSF2FF14:0017:50Dezhahang, Zahra
CH 261 A Basic Organic Chemistry I21 A OSF2FMWF10:0010:50Scadeng, Owen
CH 261 ALLab for Basic Organic Chemistry I1 A OSF2FM14:0016:50Lesanko, Agnes
CH 261 CLLab for Basic Organic Chemistry IFULLF2FT08:0010:50Lesanko, Agnes
CH 261 DLLab for Basic Organic Chemistry IFULLF2FT14:0016:50Lesanko, Agnes
CH 271 A Chemical Thermodynamics9 A OSF2FMWF13:0013:50Pitchko, Vladimir
CH 271 ALLab for Chemical ThermodynamicsFULLF2FT14:0016:50Dezhahang, Zahra
CH 271 ASSeminar for Chemical Thermodynamics10 A OSF2FT14:0016:50Pitchko, Vladimir
CH 313 A Instrumentation in Chemical Analysis8 A OSF2FTR11:1012:25Golizeh, Makan
CH 313 ALLab for Instrumentation in Chemical Analysis8 A OSF2FW14:0017:50Clark, Rhett
CH 321 A Industrial Chemistry20 A OSF2FMWF09:0009:50Melnik, Juri
Washington, John
CH 321 ALLab for Industrial Chemistry20 A OSF2FF14:0017:00Melnik, Juri
Washington, John
CH 325 A Professional Practice in Chemistry6 A OSF2FTR08:0009:15Scadeng, Owen
CH 331 A Introductory Inorganic Chemistry11 A OSF2FMWF10:0010:50Melnik, Juri
Washington, John
CH 331 ALLab for Introductory Inorganic ChemistryFULLF2FM14:0017:00Melnik, Juri
CH 382 A Quantum Chemistry17 A OSF2FMWF11:0011:50Pitchko, Vladimir
CH 382 ASSeminar for Quantum Chemistry17 A OSF2FR11:0011:50Pitchko, Vladimir
CH 400 B Undergraduate Thesis in Chemistry4URP Scadeng, Owen
Classes run from:
2022-09-07 to 2023-04-19
Deadline to add/drop:
2022-09-09 12:00:00
Last day to withdraw:
CH 400 C Undergraduate Thesis in Chemistry4URP Golizeh, Makan
Classes run from:
2022-09-07 to 2023-04-19
Deadline to add/drop:
2022-09-09 12:00:00
Last day to withdraw:
CH 401 A Chemical Research3URP Melnik, Juri
Scadeng, Owen
Washington, John
CH 401 B Chemical Research5URP Scadeng, Owen
CH 401 C Chemical Research4URP Golizeh, Makan
CH 471 A Spectroscopic Methods11 AF2FTR09:2510:40Scadeng, Owen
CH 491 A Applied Chemical ResearchFULLWIL Pitchko, Vladimir
Washington, John
Classes run from:
2022-09-07 to 2023-04-19
Deadline to add/drop:
2022-09-09 12:00:00
Last day to withdraw:
CHIN 101 A Beginners' Chinese I10 A OSF2FMW
Fang, Xinxin
CLAS102 A Greek and Roman Mythology5 A OSF2FTR11:1012:25Micheelsen, Lisa
CLAS102 B Greek and Roman Mythology26 A OSF2FMWF08:0008:50Krispin, Daniel
CLAS102 C Greek and Roman Mythology13 A OSF2FTR14:0015:15Micheelsen, Lisa
CLAS203 A Civilization of Ancient GreeceFULLF2FTR12:3513:50Micheelsen, Lisa
CLAS210 A Latin and Greek Terminology in the Sciences11 A OSF2FTR11:1012:25Krispin, Daniel
CMPT111 A Introduction to Computing Science4 A OSF2FMWF13:0013:50Parsons, Matthew
CMPT111 ALLab for Introduction to Computing Science1 A OSF2FM14:0016:50Tymchyshyn, Ed
CMPT111 BLLab for Introduction to Computing Science1 A OSF2FT08:0010:50Tymchyshyn, Ed
CMPT111 CLLab for Introduction to Computing Science2 A OSF2FW14:0016:50Tymchyshyn, Ed
CMPT221 B Algorithms21 A OSF2FMWF11:0011:50Hajari, Nasim
CMPT260 A Discrete Structures11 A OSF2FTR15:2516:40Marinova, Rossitza
CMPT260 ASSeminar for Discrete Structures5 A OSF2FT11:1012:25Elsaadany, Mahmoud
CREE 101 A Beginners' Cree I10 A OSF2FMW
Skinner, Les
DAN 250 A Ballet20 A OSF2FMWF14:0014:50Metzger, Kathy
DAN 340 A Modern DanceFULLF2FTR11:1012:25Frantsi, Janita
DAN 340 B Modern Dance9 A OSF2FTR12:3513:50Frantsi, Janita
DRA 101 A Introduction to Theatre Art6 A OSF2FMWF11:0011:50Bergen, Amanda
DRA 101 B Introduction to Theatre Art17 A OSF2FTR14:0015:15Horak, David
DRA 102 A Play Analysis17 A OSF2FTR15:2516:40Darbasie, Patricia
DRA 149 A Introduction to Dramatic Process15 A OSF2FMWF15:0016:50Howarth, Caroline
DRA 149 B Introduction to Dramatic Process6 A OSF2FTR09:2512:05Stirling, Glenda
DRA 247 A Introduction to and Development of Physical and Vocal Communication7 A OSF2FMWF11:0012:50Horak, David
DRA 252 A Fundamentals of Public SpeakingFULLF2FMWF13:0013:50Fleiger, Michele
DRA 252 B Fundamentals of Public Speaking1 A OSBldMWF14:0014:50Fleiger, Michele
DRA 252 C Fundamentals of Public Speaking5 A OSF2FTR14:0015:15Fleiger, Michele
DRA 252 D Fundamentals of Public Speaking19 A OSF2FTR15:2516:40Fleiger, Michele
DRA 276 A Fundamentals of Technical Theatre2 A OSWILTR14:0015:50Hiemstra, Josiah
DRA 307 A Special Projects in Theatre Performance or Production I2 A OSWIL Hiemstra, Josiah
Howarth, Caroline
Stirling, Glenda
DRA 308 A Special Project in Theatre Performance or Production II8 A OSWIL Hiemstra, Josiah
Howarth, Caroline
Stirling, Glenda
DRA 309 A Extended Special Project in Theatre Performance or Production3 A OSWIL Hiemstra, Josiah
Howarth, Caroline
Stirling, Glenda
Classes run from:
2022-09-07 to 2023-04-19
Deadline to add/drop:
2022-09-09 12:00:00
Last day to withdraw:
DRA 325 B Creativity in Theatre for Young Audiences5 A OSWILMWF09:0010:50Howarth, Caroline
DRA 353 A Scene Study I3 A OSF2FMWF13:0014:50Stirling, Glenda
DTM 402 A Business Demography1 AInd Yacyshyn, Alison
EAS 101 A Introduction to Physical Earth Science13 A OSF2FTR09:2510:40Ishutov, Sergey
EAS 101 B Introduction to Physical Earth Science13 A OSF2FTR12:3513:50Ishutov, Sergey
EAS 101 BLLab for Introduction to Physical Earth Science5 A OSF2FW12:0014:50Thomas, Alison
EAS 101 CLLab for Introduction to Physical Earth Science1 A OSF2FW16:0018:50Thomas, Alison
EAS 101 DLLab for Introduction to Physical Earth Science10 A OSF2FF08:0010:50Thomas, Alison
EAS 101 ELLab for Introduction to Physical Earth Science10 A OSF2FF12:0014:50Thomas, Alison
ECO 101 A Introduction to Microeconomics13 A OSBldMWF10:0010:50Franke, Oliver
ECO 101 B Introduction to Microeconomics41 A OSF2FMWF14:0014:50Franke, Oliver
ECO 101 D Introduction to Microeconomics6 A OSF2FTR14:0015:15Agamah, William
ECO 281 A Intermediate Microeconomic Theory I8 A OSF2FMWF12:0012:50Franke, Oliver
ECO 350 A The Economics of Public Expenditures18 OSF2FMWF15:0015:50Franke, Oliver
ED 199 A Introduction to the Profession of TeachingFULLF2FMWF13:0013:50Decorby, Emilie
Schular, Laura
ED 199 ALLab for Introduction to the Profession of TeachingFULLF2FT08:3012:00Decorby, Emilie
Schular, Laura
ED 199 B Introduction to the Profession of TeachingFULLF2FMWF14:0014:50Decorby, Emilie
Schular, Laura
ED 199 BLLab for Introduction to the Profession of TeachingFULLF2FT12:3016:00Decorby, Emilie
Schular, Laura
ED 199 C Introduction to the Profession of TeachingFULLF2FMWF15:0015:50Decorby, Emilie
Schular, Laura
ED 199 CLLab for Introduction to the Profession of TeachingFULLF2FW08:3012:00Decorby, Emilie
Schular, Laura
ED 199 DLLab for Introduction to the Profession of TeachingFULLF2FR08:3012:00Decorby, Emilie
Schular, Laura
ED 199 ELLab for Introduction to the Profession of TeachingFULLF2FR12:3016:00Decorby, Emilie
Schular, Laura
ED 199 FLLab for Introduction to the Profession of TeachingFULLF2FF08:3012:00Decorby, Emilie
Schular, Laura
ED 199 RLLab for Introduction to the Profession of TeachingFULLF2FT08:3012:00Decorby, Emilie
Schular, Laura
ED 199 SLLab for Introduction to the Profession of TeachingFULLF2FR12:3016:00Decorby, Emilie
Schular, Laura
ED 199 TLLab for Introduction to the Profession of TeachingFULLF2FR08:3012:00Decorby, Emilie
Schular, Laura
EDFD211 A Introduction to Early Childhood EducationFULLF2FMWF12:0012:50Giourmetakis, Brenda
EDFD211 B Introduction to Early Childhood Education27 A OSF2FT18:0020:50Ritz, Talia
EDFD321 A Children's Literature in the Elementary ClassroomFULLF2FMWF11:0011:50Vo, Van
EDFD341 A Concepts of Childhood in History4 A OSF2FMWF13:0013:50Saleh, Muna
EDIE 325 A Ethics of Caring and Inclusion: Introduction to Inclusive EducationFULLF2FTR12:3513:50Prytuluk, Natalie
EDIE 325 B Ethics of Caring and Inclusion: Introduction to Inclusive Education18 A OSF2FTR14:0015:15Prytuluk, Natalie
EDPS200 A Educational Psychology for TeachingFULLF2FTR08:0009:15Daniels, Jason
EDPS200 B Educational Psychology for TeachingFULLF2FTR09:2510:40Daniels, Jason
EDPS200 C Educational Psychology for TeachingFULLF2FTR11:1012:25Gadsden, Amy Domenique
EDPS341 A Psychology of Exceptional Children and Youth19 A OSF2FTR15:2516:40Bateman, Dan
EDSEM A Education Seminar1F2FTR09:2010:35Plunkett, Novlet
EDSEM B Education Seminar1F2FTR10:4011:55Plunkett, Novlet
EDSEM C Education SeminarFULLF2FTR08:0009:15Plunkett, Novlet
EDUC501 A Introduction to Planning in the Elementary School1BldMTWR10:4011:55McConaghy, Janet
EDUC501 B Introduction to Planning in the Elementary School1BldMTWR08:0009:15Heffel, Irene
EDUC501 C Introduction to Planning in the Elementary SchoolFULLBldMTWR09:2010:35Bateman, Dan
EDUC502 A Advanced Planning in the Elementary School1F2FMTWRF13:0015:35McConaghy, Janet
Classes run from:
2022-09-12 to 2022-09-29
Last day to withdraw:
EDUC502 B Advanced Planning in the Elementary School1F2FMTWRF13:0015:35Ramsankar, H. Mark
Classes run from:
2022-09-12 to 2022-09-29
Last day to withdraw:
EDUC502 C Advanced Planning in the Elementary SchoolFULLF2FMTWRF13:0015:35Heffel, Irene
Classes run from:
2022-09-12 to 2022-09-29
Last day to withdraw:
EDUC532 A Field Experience in the Elementary School III1Fld Plunkett, Novlet
Classes run from:
2022-10-03 to 2022-12-09
Deadline to add/drop:
2022-10-05 12:00:00
EDUC532 B Field Experience in the Elementary School IIIFULLFld Plunkett, Novlet
Classes run from:
2022-10-03 to 2022-12-09
Deadline to add/drop:
2022-10-05 12:00:00
EDUC532 C Field Experience in the Elementary School IIIFULLFld Plunkett, Novlet
Classes run from:
2022-10-03 to 2022-12-09
Deadline to add/drop:
2022-10-05 12:00:00
EDUC542 A Reflections on Field Experience III1F2F Chung, Simmee
Classes run from:
2022-09-12 to 2022-12-12
Last day to withdraw:
EDUC542 B Reflections on Field Experience III1F2F Chung, Simmee
Classes run from:
2022-09-12 to 2022-12-12
Last day to withdraw:
EDUC542 C Reflections on Field Experience IIIFULLF2F Gregg, Kathy
Classes run from:
2022-09-12 to 2022-12-12
Last day to withdraw:
EDUC551 A The Organizational Framework of Teaching1F2FMW09:2010:35Lang, Rhonda
Martineau, Christine
Ramsankar, H. Mark
EDUC551 B The Organizational Framework of Teaching1F2FMW10:4011:55Lang, Rhonda
Martineau, Christine
Ramsankar, H. Mark
EDUC551 C The Organizational Framework of TeachingFULLF2FMW08:0009:15Lang, Rhonda
Martineau, Christine
Ramsankar, H. Mark
EDUC561 A Theoretical Foundations of Teaching and Schooling1F2FMW08:0009:15Yochim, Lorin
EDUC561 B Theoretical Foundations of Teaching and Schooling1F2FMW09:2010:35Yochim, Lorin
EDUC561 C Theoretical Foundations of Teaching and SchoolingFULLF2FMW10:4011:55Yochim, Lorin
EDUC571 A Learning, Instructional Psychology and Educational Practice1F2FTR08:0009:15Crocker, Cheryl
EDUC571 B Learning, Instructional Psychology and Educational Practice1F2FTR09:2010:35Crocker, Cheryl
EDUC571 C Learning, Instructional Psychology and Educational PracticeFULLF2FTR10:4011:55Crocker, Cheryl
EDUC626 A Leadership in Curriculum and Instruction10F2FS09:0020:00Chung, Simmee
EDUC660 A Research Ethics and Methodologies15Onl Parsons, Jim
EDUC680 A Introduction to Educational Leadership5Onl Raymond, Heather
EDUC690 A Superintendent Leadership Development12 AOnl Barrett, Donna
ENG 101 B Literature and Composition for English Language Learners I16 A OSF2FMWF09:0009:50Schamuhn Kirk, Deborah
ENG 101 C Literature and Composition for English Language Learners I7 A OSF2FMWF10:0010:50Schamuhn Kirk, Deborah
ENG 101 D Literature and Composition for English Language Learners I3 A OSF2FMWF11:0011:50Schamuhn Kirk, Deborah
ENG 101 E Literature and Composition for English Language Learners I7 A OSF2FMWF14:0014:50Darling, Kelly
ENG 101 F Literature and Composition for English Language Learners I9 A OSF2FMWF15:0015:50Darling, Kelly
ENG 101 H Literature and Composition for English Language Learners I1 A OSF2FTR11:1012:25Pulleyblank, Justin
ENG 102 B Literature and Composition for English Language Learners II4 A OSF2FMWF08:0008:50Schamuhn Kirk, Deborah
ENG 102 C Literature and Composition for English Language Learners II11 A OSF2FTR14:0015:15Pescod, Haylee
ENG 111 A Literature and Composition I8 A OSF2FMWF08:0008:50Haines, Aubry
ENG 111 B Literature and Composition I1 A OSF2FMWF14:0014:50Kashani, Mahdi
ENG 111 D Literature and Composition I2 A OSF2FMWF13:0013:50Haines, Aubry
ENG 111 E Literature and Composition IFULLF2FMWF12:0012:50Buchanan, David
ENG 111 F Literature and Composition IFULLBldMWF11:0011:50Wiebe, Reginald
ENG 111 G Literature and Composition I1 A OSBldMWF15:0015:50Wiebe, Reginald
ENG 111 H Literature and Composition IFULLF2FMWF10:0010:50Buchanan, David
ENG 111 J Literature and Composition IFULLF2FMWF09:0009:50Haines, Aubry
ENG 111 K Literature and Composition I4 A OSF2FTR08:0009:15Sydora, Laura
ENG 111 L Literature and Composition I9 A OSF2FTR14:0015:15Sydora, Laura
ENG 111 M Literature and Composition I3 A OSF2FTR09:2510:40Pabst, Kurt
ENG 111 N Literature and Composition I2 A OSF2FTR11:1012:25Quist, Jennifer
ENG 111 O Literature and Composition I4 A OSF2FTR12:3513:50Pabst, Kurt
ENG 112 B Literature and Composition II1 A OSF2FMWF13:0013:50Kashani, Mahdi
ENG 112 C Literature and Composition II2 A OSF2FMWF11:0011:50Kashani, Mahdi
ENG 120 A British Literature from 1300 to 180022 A OSF2FTR09:2510:40Cook, Trevor
ENG 120 B British Literature from 1300 to 180017 A OSF2FTR12:3513:50Cook, Trevor
ENG 304 A The Short Story8 A OSF2FMWF09:0009:50Kashani, Mahdi
ENG 323 A Chaucer5 A OSF2FMWF08:0008:50Van Dyk, Conrad
ENG 331 A The Later English Renaissance17 A OSF2FTR14:0015:15Cook, Trevor
ENG 338 A Shakespeare15 A OSF2FTR08:0009:15Cook, Trevor
ENG 342 A Eighteenth-Century English Novel12 A OSF2FMWF13:0013:50Buchanan, David
ENG 365 A Early Twentieth-Century British Literature15 A OSF2FTR11:1012:25Sydora, Laura
ENG 381 A Canadian Literature to 190010 A OSF2FMWF12:0012:50Wiebe, Reginald
ENG 393 A Early Twentieth-Century American Literature20 A OSF2FTR09:2510:40Sydora, Laura
ENG 399 A Classics of Children's Literature in English2 A OSF2FMWF10:0010:50Van Dyk, Conrad
ENG 409 B Special Topics in English: Deconstructing Canadian LiteratureFULLF2FMWF14:0014:50Wiebe, Reginald
ENG 491 A Literary Criticism I1 AF2FMWF11:0011:50Buchanan, David
ENSC101 A Introduction to Environmental Studies1 A OSF2FMWF08:0008:50Nyade, Praise
ENSC204 A Environmental Science: Problems and Solutions1 A OSF2FMWF10:0010:50Nyade, Praise
ENSC208 A Principles of Ecology9 A OSF2FMWF12:0012:50Nyade, Praise
ENSC208 ALLab for Principles of Ecology1 A OSF2FT14:0016:50Springer, Kyle
ENSC208 B Principles of Ecology6 A OSF2FTR09:2510:40Androschuk, Tara
ENSC208 BLLab for Principles of Ecology5 A OSF2FT18:0020:50Jovtoulia, Anna
ENSC208 CLLab for Principles of Ecology2 A OSF2FW09:0011:50Springer, Kyle
ENSC208 DLLab for Principles of EcologyFULLF2FW14:0016:50Moghrabi, Adam
ENSC208 ELLab for Principles of Ecology7 A OSF2FW18:0020:50Moghrabi, Adam
ENSC210 A Flora and Fauna of Alberta7 A OSF2FTR12:3513:50Androschuk, Tara
ENSC210 ALLab for Flora and Fauna of Alberta1 A OSF2FM14:0016:50Jovtoulia, Anna
Springer, Kyle
ENSC210 BLLab for Flora and Fauna of Alberta6 A OSF2FM18:0020:50Jovtoulia, Anna
Springer, Kyle
ENSC220 A Soil Science9 A OSF2FMWF13:0013:50Mapfumo, Emmanuel
ENSC220 ALLab for Soil Science2 A OSF2FR09:2512:15Nyade, Praise
ENSC220 BLLab for Soil Science7 A OSF2FR14:0016:50Nyade, Praise
ENSC223 A Environmental Hydrogeology27 A OSF2FMWF15:0015:50Mapfumo, Emmanuel
ENSC223 ALLab for Environmental Hydrogeology11 A OSF2FF09:0011:50MacElheren, Megan
ENSC227 A Science Communication14 A OSF2FMWF08:0008:50Rybkina, Xenia
ENSC245 A Plant Physiology8 A OSF2FMWF11:0011:50Chen, Xin
ENSC245 ALLab for Plant PhysiologyFULLF2FR09:2512:15Springer, Kyle
ENSC245 BLLab for Plant Physiology8 A OSF2FR14:0016:50Springer, Kyle
ENSC305 A Aquatic Biology14 A OSF2FMWF10:0010:50Janowicz, Mariola
ENSC305 ALLab for Aquatic Biology4 A OSF2FM14:0016:50Pentyliuk, Natasha
ENSC305 BLLab for Aquatic Biology7 A OSF2FM18:0020:50Pentyliuk, Natasha
ENSC305 CLLab for Aquatic Biology3 A OSF2FT08:0011:00Pentyliuk, Natasha
ENSC335 A Work Experience8 A OSWIL Chen, Xin
Mapfumo, Emmanuel
ENSC339 A Conservation BiologyFULLF2FTR14:0015:15Chen, Xin
ENSC355 A Environmental Policy15 A OSF2FMWF14:0014:50Ishutov, Sergey
ENSC455 A Independent StudyFULLInd Chen, Xin
Churchward, Matthew
Hemmerling, Deborah
Janowicz, Mariola
Mapfumo, Emmanuel
ENSC475 A Senior Seminar in Environmental Science7 AF2FF15:0016:50Chen, Xin
ENSC485 A Advanced Research Methods1 AF2FMWF09:0009:50Chen, Xin
Churchward, Matthew
Hemmerling, Deborah
Mapfumo, Emmanuel
ENSC493 A Independent Research I3 AInd Mapfumo, Emmanuel
ENSC493 B Independent Research I3 AInd Chen, Xin
ENVH501 A Environmental Management I6F2FM09:0011:50Ikram, Sobia
Pankewich, Douglas
ENVH501 B Environmental Management I11F2FM17:0019:50Ikram, Sobia
Pankewich, Douglas
ENVH511 A Health Risk Assessment I8F2FW13:0015:50Bukutu, Cecilia
ENVH511 B Health Risk Assessment I10F2FW09:0011:50Bukutu, Cecilia
ENVH513 A Environmental and Public Health Law18 AF2FR14:0016:50
ENVH521 A Methodologies in Environmental Health Practice I47F2FT14:0016:50Motajo, Olusegun
Popadynetz, Jessica
Sidra, Michael
ENVH521 ALLab for Methodologies in Environmental Health Practice I4F2FM13:0015:50Popadynetz, Jessica
ENVH521 BLLab for Methodologies in Environmental Health Practice I13F2FT09:0011:50Popadynetz, Jessica
ENVH543 A Core Competency II - Administration and Management7F2FT09:2512:15Phan, Phi
ENVH543 B Core Competency II - Administration and Management14F2FM09:0011:50Phan, Phi
ENVH553 A Environmental Microbiology5F2FR09:0011:50Shakir, Abdus
ENVH553 B Environmental Microbiology13F2FW13:0015:50Shakir, Abdus
ENVH561 AH Field Experience in Public Health Inspection12 AFld Bukutu, Cecilia
Additional information:
This section is for students completing their practicum with Alberta Health Services.
Classes run from:
2022-09-26 to 2023-01-13
Deadline to add/drop:
2022-09-23 12:00:00
Last day to withdraw:
ENVH561 BC Field Experience in Public Health Inspection20Fld Bukutu, Cecilia
Additional information:
This section is for students completing their practicum with BC Interior Health Services.
Classes run from:
2022-09-12 to 2022-12-02
Deadline to add/drop:
2022-09-23 12:00:00
Last day to withdraw:
ENVH561 SA Field Experience in Public Health Inspection9 A OSFld Bukutu, Cecilia
Additional information:
This section is for students completing their practicum with Interior Health Services -- Salmon Arm.
Classes run from:
2022-09-26 to 2022-12-19
Last day to withdraw:
ENVH571 X Applied Research Project in Health Sciences24Ind Bukutu, Cecilia
ENVH601 B Environmental Management I15 A OSF2FT13:0015:50Ikram, Sobia
Pankewich, Douglas
ENVH611 A Health Risk Assessment15F2FR09:2512:15Bukutu, Cecilia
ENVH612 I Environmental Management IIIN/AInd Barber, Darren
Elliott, Jon
FGS 600 A Graduate Ethics Training (GET) Course7 AF2FNS12:0016:00Bukutu, Cecilia
Classes run from:
2022-09-17 to 2022-09-18
Deadline to add/drop:
2022-09-18 12:00:00
Last day to withdraw:
FGS 600 B Graduate Ethics Training (GET) Course25 AF2FTWR17:0020:00Bukutu, Cecilia
Classes run from:
2022-09-20 to 2022-09-22
Deadline to add/drop:
2022-09-22 12:00:00
Last day to withdraw:
FGS 600 C Graduate Ethics Training (GET) Course2 AF2FNS12:0016:00Bukutu, Cecilia
Classes run from:
2022-09-24 to 2022-09-25
Deadline to add/drop:
2022-09-25 12:00:00
Last day to withdraw:
FGS 600 D Graduate Ethics Training (GET) Course18 AF2FMTW17:0020:00Bukutu, Cecilia
Classes run from:
2022-09-26 to 2022-09-28
Deadline to add/drop:
2022-09-28 12:00:00
Last day to withdraw:
FIN 201 A Corporate Finance12 A OSF2FT
O'Coin, Dwayne
FIN 201 ASSeminar for Corporate Finance12 A OSF2FR10:1511:05O'Coin, Dwayne
FIN 310 A Public Finance18 A OSF2FW17:0019:50Ndlovu, Patrick
FIN 325 A Managerial Finance3 A OSF2FMWF14:0014:50O'Coin, Dwayne
FIN 400 A Financial Institutions21 A OSF2FR18:0020:50Alex, Rex
FR 101 A Beginners' French I5 A OSF2FMF
Guyot, Alexandra
FR 101 B Beginners' French I3 A OSF2FMF
Guyot, Alexandra
FR 101 C Beginners' French IFULLF2FMW
Casajus, Michael
FR 101 D Beginners' French I2 A OSF2FMW
Gibrilla, Ayuuba
FR 101 E Beginners' French I2 A OSF2FMW
Gibrilla, Ayuuba
FR 101 F Beginners' French I14 A OSF2FMW
Ben Lazreg, Houssem
FR 102 A Beginners' French II9 A OSF2FMW
Casajus, Michael
FR 102 B Beginners' French II1 A OSF2FMW
Guyot, Alexandra
FR 211 A Intermediate French I5 A OSF2FMW
Guyot, Alexandra
FR 211 B Intermediate French I18 A OSF2FMW
Casajus, Michael
FR 251 A Advanced French I15 A OSF2FMF
Guyot, Adrien
FR 300 A Introduction to French Canadian Literature10 AF2FMWF11:0011:50Guyot, Adrien
FR 303 A Twentieth-Century Francophone Literature15 AF2FTR09:2510:40Hussein, Mai
FR 312 A French Literature from the Eighteenth Century to the Nineteenth Century17 AF2FMWF15:0015:50Guyot, Adrien
FR 491 A Advanced French Literary Studies10 AF2FMWF11:0011:50Guyot, Adrien
FR 492 A Advanced French Literary Studies15 AF2FTR09:2510:40Hussein, Mai
FR 493 A Advanced French Literary Studies17 AF2FMWF15:0015:50Guyot, Adrien
GRK 101 A Introductory Classical Greek I17 A OSF2FMW
Krispin, Daniel
HEBR101 A Biblical Hebrew I17 A OSF2FMWF
Anderson, Bill
HIS 111 A The Early Modern World30 A OSF2FMWF09:0009:50Taki, Victor
HIS 111 B The Early Modern World19 A OSF2FMWF10:0010:50Taki, Victor
HIS 218 A Late Imperial Russia and the Soviet Union (1762-1991)11 A OSF2FMWF12:0012:50Neufeldt, Colin
HIS 251 A American History Since 186529 A OSF2FMWF10:0010:50Brown, Nolan
HIS 260 A Canadian History 1500-186728 A OSF2FMWF09:0009:50Brown, Nolan
HIS 290 A Introduction to Historical Research Methods8 OSF2FMWF14:0014:50Neufeldt, Colin
HIS 301 A Special Topics in History: Ethnic Cleansing and Genocide in the Twentieth Century22 A OSF2FT18:0020:50Neufeldt, Colin
HIS 333 A Europe in the Age of Totalitarianism21 A OSF2FMWF16:0016:50Neufeldt, Colin
HIS 368 A Indigenous Peoples and Canada to 186727 A OSF2FTR14:0015:15Bradford, Tolly
HIS 464 I Indigenous Peoples, Christianity, and ColonialismN/AInd Bradford, Tolly
HRM 220 A Introduction to Human Resource Management3 A OSF2FMWF14:0014:50Biollo, Jacqueline
HRM 321 A Staffing and Recruitment1 A OSInd Bennett, Cindy
HRM 326 A Employee and Labour RelationsFULLInd Bohaichuk, Sue
HRM 400 A Negotiation and Mediation1 AInd Bennett, Cindy
HRM 420 A Compensation System Design and ImplementationFULLInd Bohaichuk, Sue
INDG 100 A Introduction to Indigenous Studies31 A OSF2FTR15:2516:40Carr-Stewart, Sheila
INDG 111 A Contemporary Perspectives on Indigenous Canada8 A OSF2FTR11:1012:25Carr-Stewart, Sheila
INDG 290 A Indigenous Ways of Knowing18 A OSF2FMWF12:0012:50Ball, Tanya
INDG 391 B Indigenous Engagement and Collaboration9 A OSF2FR17:0019:50Johns, Jed
ISAM512 A Financial Accounting and Analysis for Information Systems Auditors19 AF2FT11:0013:50Aghili, Shaun
ISAM521 A Information Systems Audit I19 AF2FM14:0016:50Aghili, Shaun
ISAM549 A Auditing Theory and Application23 AF2FW08:0010:50Aghili, Shaun
ISSM523 A Network Security19 AF2FM11:0013:50Butakov, Sergey
ISSM523 B Network Security19 AF2FW11:0013:50Butakov, Sergey
ISSM525 A Application and Cloud SecurityFULLF2FT14:0016:50Desforges, Benoit
ISSM525 B Application and Cloud Security12 AF2FT17:0019:50Nji, Lionel
ISSM536 A Incident Response and Digital Forensics10 AF2FR14:0016:50Desforges, Benoit
ISSM536 B Incident Response and Digital Forensics21 AF2FF11:0013:50Desforges, Benoit
ISSM538 I Research Methods & CommunicationsN/AInd AbdAllah, Eslam
ISSM551 A Disaster Recovery and Business Continuity13 AF2FM08:0010:50Thompson, Shawn
ISSM551 B Disaster Recovery and Business Continuity25 AF2FF08:0010:50Thompson, Shawn
ISSM551 C Disaster Recovery and Business Continuity23 AF2FM17:0019:50Wason, Rajat
ISSM553 A Governance, Risk and Compliance (GRC)14 AF2FT08:0010:50Thompson, Shawn
ISSM553 B Governance, Risk and Compliance (GRC)20 AF2FR08:0010:50Wason, Rajat
ISSM575 A Capstone I14F2FW14:0016:50Butakov, Sergey
ISSM575 B Capstone I7F2FR11:0013:50Aghili, Shaun
ISSM575 C Capstone I4F2FF14:0016:50AbdAllah, Eslam
ISSM591 A Research Methods IIIFULLGRP Butakov, Sergey
IT 101 A Introduction to Information Technology8 A OSOnlMW14:0014:50Chauhan, Apoorva
IT 101 ASSeminar for Introduction to Information Technology2 A OSOnlF14:0014:50Chauhan, Apoorva
IT 101 B Introduction to Information Technology27 A OSOnlMW16:0016:50Chauhan, Apoorva
IT 101 BSSeminar for Introduction to Information Technology5 A OSOnlF16:0016:50Chauhan, Apoorva
IT 101 CSSeminar for Introduction to Information Technology20 A OSOnlF11:0011:50Chauhan, Apoorva
IT 101 Z Introduction to Information Technology9 A OSF2FW16:0017:50Luong, Trang
Additional information:
This section is restricted to certain dual-credit students.
Classes run from:
2022-09-14 to 2022-12-07
Deadline to add/drop:
2022-09-19 23:59:00
Last day to withdraw:
IT 101 ZSSeminar for Introduction to Information Technology9 A OSF2FW18:0018:50Luong, Trang
Additional information:
This section is restricted to certain dual-credit students.
Classes run from:
2022-09-14 to 2022-12-07
Deadline to add/drop:
2022-09-19 23:59:00
Last day to withdraw:
IT 110 A Computer Systems and Platforms24 A OSF2FMWF09:0009:50Hazim, Azzam
IT 110 ALLab for Computer Systems and Platforms5 A OSF2FT12:3513:50Tymchyshyn, Ed
IT 110 BLLab for Computer Systems and Platforms7 A OSF2FR11:1012:25Tymchyshyn, Ed
IT 201 A Information Security4 A OSOnlMWF08:0008:50Chauhan, Apoorva
IT 270 A Applied Cryptography27 A OSF2FMW09:0009:50AbdAllah, Eslam
IT 270 ASSeminar for Applied Cryptography1 A OSF2FF09:0009:50AbdAllah, Eslam
IT 270 BSSeminar for Applied Cryptography4 A OSF2FF08:0008:50AbdAllah, Eslam
IT 310 A System Paradigms19 A OSF2FMWF10:0010:50Hajari, Nasim
IT 310 ALLab for System ParadigmsFULLF2FF14:0015:15Hajari, Nasim
IT 310 BLLab for System Paradigms19 A OSF2FF15:2516:40Hajari, Nasim
IT 451 A Senior Project Capstone IFULLOnlT15:2516:40Chauhan, Apoorva
IT 460 A IT Seminar5 AF2FT14:0014:50Marinova, Rossitza
IT 494 A Digital Image Processing11 A OSF2FMWF13:0013:50Hajari, Nasim
IT 501 A Advanced Programming Techniques18 AF2FTR12:3513:50Marinova, Rossitza
IT 502 A Modern Database Systems and Applications17 AF2FTR11:1012:25Hazim, Azzam
IT 503 A Data Communication and Networking19 AF2FTR09:2510:40Elsaadany, Mahmoud
IT 504 B IT Infrastructure Management21 AF2FMWF12:0012:50Hajari, Nasim
IT 521 A Network Security19 AF2FM11:0013:50Butakov, Sergey
IT 521 B Network Security19 AF2FW11:0013:50Butakov, Sergey
IT 525 A Application and Cloud SecurityFULLF2FT14:0016:50Desforges, Benoit
IT 525 B Application and Cloud Security12 AF2FT17:0019:50Nji, Lionel
IT 550 A IT Internship1 AWIL Hajari, Nasim
Marinova, Rossitza
Saha, Baidya
IT 593 A Machine Learning Tools and Techniques30 AF2FTR14:0015:15Saha, Baidya
LAT 101 A Introductory Latin I15 A OSF2FMW
Krispin, Daniel
LDR 301 A Foundations of LeadershipFULLF2FTR08:0009:15McLeod, Chelsey
LDR 402 A Global Strategic Leadership28 AF2FMWF08:0008:50Oluwi, Victor
LDR 410 A Organizational Analysis and Design4 AF2FTR09:2510:40Oluwi, Victor
MARK201 A Introduction to Marketing6 A OSF2FTR12:3513:50Rhodes, Len
MARK223 A Marketing Research5 A OSF2FMWF12:0012:50Loo, Mark
MARK300 A Strategic Marketing9 A OSF2FMWF10:0010:50Loo, Mark
MARK400 A Consumer Behaviour1 AF2FTR12:3513:50Latimer, Robert
MAT 103 A Mathematical Methods for the Life Sciences25 A OSF2FTR09:2510:40Thanarajah, Silogini
MAT 110 A Pre-Calculus32 A OSF2FMWF08:0008:50Voronkov, Igor
MAT 110 B Pre-Calculus41 A OSF2FMWF16:0016:50Voronkov, Igor
MAT 110 BLLab for Pre-Calculus11 A OSF2FR09:2510:40Gessesse, Haile
MAT 110 CLLab for Pre-Calculus20 A OSF2FR15:2516:40Gessesse, Haile
MAT 114 A Elementary Calculus I8 A OSBldMWF10:0010:50Huntemann, Svenja
MAT 114 B Elementary Calculus I27 A OSF2FMWF14:0014:50Manica, Rogerio
MAT 114 BLLab for Elementary Calculus I4 A OSF2FT09:2510:40Gessesse, Haile
MAT 114 CLLab for Elementary Calculus I16 A OSF2FT15:2516:40Gessesse, Haile
MAT 115 A Elementary Calculus II21 A OSF2FMWF12:0012:50Voronkov, Igor
MAT 120 A Linear Algebra I34 A OSF2FMWF11:0011:50Voronkov, Igor
MAT 120 ALLab for Linear Algebra I6 A OSF2FT11:1012:25Gessesse, Haile
MAT 120 BLLab for Linear Algebra I28 A OSF2FR12:3513:50Gessesse, Haile
MAT 151 A Introduction to Statistical Methods4 A OSF2FMWF09:0009:50Thanarajah, Silogini
MAT 151 ALLab for Introduction to Statistical Methods3 A OSF2FR08:0009:15Gessesse, Haile
MAT 151 B Introduction to Statistical Methods14 A OSF2FMWF15:0015:50Thanarajah, Silogini
MAT 151 BLLab for Introduction to Statistical MethodsFULLF2FR09:2510:40Tymchyshyn, Ed
MAT 151 CLLab for Introduction to Statistical Methods1 A OSF2FR14:0015:15Gessesse, Haile
MAT 151 DLLab for Introduction to Statistical Methods10 A OSF2FR15:2516:40Tymchyshyn, Ed
MAT 151 ELLab for Introduction to Statistical MethodsFULLF2FT14:0015:15Gessesse, Haile
MAT 151 FLLab for Introduction to Statistical Methods4 A OSF2FT15:2516:40Tymchyshyn, Ed
MAT 200 A Foundations of Mathematics15 A OSF2FTR11:1012:25Tran, Ha
MAT 200 B Foundations of Mathematics15 A OSF2FTR12:3513:50Tran, Ha
MAT 214 A Intermediate Calculus I8 A OSF2FMWF13:0013:50Huntemann, Svenja
MAT 321 A Introduction to Discrete Mathematics24 A OSF2FTR14:0015:15Huntemann, Svenja
MAT 400 A Thesis in Mathematics2URP Tran, Ha
Classes run from:
2022-09-07 to 2023-04-19
Deadline to add/drop:
2022-09-09 12:00:00
Last day to withdraw:
MAT 400 B Thesis in Mathematics1URP Huntemann, Svenja
Classes run from:
2022-09-07 to 2023-04-19
Deadline to add/drop:
2022-09-09 12:00:00
Last day to withdraw:
MAT 401 A Real Analysis I16 AF2FMWF12:0012:50Manica, Rogerio
MAT 422 A Introduction to Module TheoryN/AInd Tran, Ha
MAT 491 A Mathematical Modelling8 AF2FMW15:0016:15Marinova, Rossitza
MGT 300 A Foundations of LeadershipFULLF2FTR08:0009:15McLeod, Chelsey
MGT 313 A Emerging International Markets17 A OSF2FTR15:2516:40Loo, Mark
MGT 320 A Operations Management2 A OSF2FTR14:0015:15Thomas, Ashish
MGT 323 B Business and Society8 A OSF2FTR09:2510:40Thomas, Ashish
MGT 402 A Global Strategic Leadership28 AF2FMWF08:0008:50Oluwi, Victor
MGT 417 A Principles of Strategic Management25 AF2FMWF15:0015:50Thomas, Ashish
MGT 440 A Consulting26 AF2FTR15:2516:40Biollo, Jacqueline
MGT 474 A Business Ethics: Concepts and Cases13 AF2FTR11:1012:25Thomas, Ashish
MREG 600 A Maintaining RegistrationFULLF2F
MSEM ASSeminar for Music Seminar9 A OSF2FM16:0016:50Kerley, Jolaine
MUED213 A Music Education for Young Children8 A OSF2FTR09:2510:40Weiden, Eric
MUP 112 A Class Piano12 A OSF2FTR12:3513:25Liao, Ping-Shan
MUPB 122 A Applied Music - Brass Instruments (Novice Level or Secondary Area)40 A OSF2F Kerley, Jolaine
MUPB 126 A Applied Music - Brass Instruments (Primary Area)40 A OSF2F Kerley, Jolaine
MUPB 222 A Applied Music - Brass Instruments (Novice Level or Secondary Area)40 A OSF2F Kerley, Jolaine
MUPB 226 A Applied Music - Brass Instruments (Primary Area)40 A OSF2F Kerley, Jolaine
MUPB 322 A Applied Music - Brass Instruments (Novice Level or Secondary Area)40 A OSF2F Kerley, Jolaine
MUPB 326 A Applied Music - Brass Instruments (Primary Area)39 A OSF2F Kerley, Jolaine
MUPB 422 A Applied Music - Brass Instruments (Novice Level or Secondary Area)40 A OSF2F Kerley, Jolaine
MUPB 426 A Applied Music - Brass Instruments (Primary Area)40 A OSF2F Kerley, Jolaine
MUPB 495 A Recital Preparation in Applied Music - Brass10 A OSF2F Kerley, Jolaine
MUPB 496 A Recital Preparation in Applied Music - Brass10 A OSF2F Kerley, Jolaine
MUPE 142 A Choral Ensemble (Concert Choir)15 A OSF2FMWF12:3513:50Brough, John
MUPE 142 Z Choral Ensemble (Concert Choir)32 A OSF2FM18:3020:30Brough, John
Additional information:
This course section is restricted to certain dual-credit students. Additional evening, Saturday and Sunday attendance for rehearsals and performances are required.
Classes run from:
2022-09-26 to 2023-04-30
Deadline to add/drop:
2022-09-27 23:59:00
Last day to withdraw:
MUPE 162 A Chamber Music Ensemble10 A OSF2F Lisboa, Danielle
MUPE 166 A Symphony Orchestra39 A OSWILW19:0022:00Lisboa, Danielle
MUPE 168 A Concert Band/Wind Ensemble40 A OSWIL Grasdahl, Wendy
Kerley, Jolaine
MUPE 242 A Choral Ensemble (Concert Choir)15 A OSF2FMWF12:3513:50Brough, John
MUPE 262 A Chamber Music Ensemble10 A OSF2F Lisboa, Danielle
MUPE 266 A Symphony Orchestra39 A OSWILW19:0022:00Lisboa, Danielle
MUPE 268 A Concert Band/Wind Ensemble40 A OSWIL Grasdahl, Wendy
Kerley, Jolaine
MUPG 122 A Applied Music - Guitar (Novice Level or Secondary Area)36 A OSF2F Forestier, Michel
Kerley, Jolaine
MUPG 126 A Applied Music - Guitar (Primary Area)40 A OSF2F Forestier, Michel
Kerley, Jolaine
MUPG 222 A Applied Music - Guitar (Novice Level or Secondary Area)39 A OSF2F Forestier, Michel
Kerley, Jolaine
MUPG 226 A Applied Music - Guitar (Primary Area)40 A OSF2F Forestier, Michel
Kerley, Jolaine
MUPG 322 A Applied Music - Guitar (Novice Level or Secondary Area)40 A OSF2F Forestier, Michel
Kerley, Jolaine
MUPG 326 A Applied Music - Guitar (Primary Area)40 A OSF2F Forestier, Michel
Kerley, Jolaine
MUPG 422 A Applied Music - Guitar (Novice Level or Secondary Area)40 A OSF2F Forestier, Michel
Kerley, Jolaine
MUPG 426 A Applied Music - Guitar (Primary Area)40 A OSF2F Forestier, Michel
Kerley, Jolaine
MUPG 495 A Recital Preparation in Applied Music - Guitar10 A OSF2F Forestier, Michel
Kerley, Jolaine
MUPG 496 A Recital Preparation in Applied Music - Guitar10 A OSF2F Forestier, Michel
Kerley, Jolaine
MUPK 122 A Applied Music - Keyboard (Novice Level or Secondary Area)36 A OSF2F Kerley, Jolaine
Liao, Ping-Shan
MUPK 126 A Applied Music - Keyboard (Primary Area)40 A OSF2F Kerley, Jolaine
Liao, Ping-Shan
MUPK 222 A Applied Music - Keyboard (Novice Level or Secondary Area)38 A OSF2F Kerley, Jolaine
Liao, Ping-Shan
MUPK 226 A Applied Music - Keyboard (Primary Area)39 A OSF2F Kerley, Jolaine
Liao, Ping-Shan
MUPK 322 A Applied Music - Keyboard (Novice Level or Secondary Area)38 A OSF2F Kerley, Jolaine
Liao, Ping-Shan
MUPK 326 A Applied Music - Keyboard (Primary Area)39 A OSF2F Kerley, Jolaine
Liao, Ping-Shan
MUPK 422 A Applied Music - Keyboard (Novice Level or Secondary Area)40 A OSF2F Kerley, Jolaine
Liao, Ping-Shan
MUPK 426 A Applied Music - Keyboard (Primary Area)40 A OSF2F Kerley, Jolaine
Liao, Ping-Shan
MUPK 495 A Recital Preparation in Applied Music - Keyboard10 A OSF2F Kerley, Jolaine
Liao, Ping-Shan
MUPK 496 A Recital Preparation in Applied Music - Keyboard10 A OSF2F Kerley, Jolaine
Liao, Ping-Shan
MUPP 122 A Applied Music - Percussion (Novice Level or Secondary Area)39 A OSF2F Kerley, Jolaine
Laslop, Courtney
MUPP 126 A Applied Music - Percussion (Primary Area)40 A OSF2F Kerley, Jolaine
MUPP 222 A Applied Music - Percussion (Novice Level or Secondary Area)40 A OSF2F Kerley, Jolaine
MUPP 226 A Applied Music - Percussion (Primary Area)40 A OSF2F Kerley, Jolaine
MUPP 322 A Applied Music - Percussion (Novice Level or Secondary Area)40 A OSF2F Kerley, Jolaine
MUPP 326 A Applied Music - Percussion (Primary Area)40 A OSF2F Kerley, Jolaine
MUPP 422 A Applied Music - Percussion (Novice Level or Secondary Area)40 A OSF2F Kerley, Jolaine
MUPP 426 A Applied Music - Percussion (Primary Area)40 A OSF2F Kerley, Jolaine
MUPP 495 A Recital Preparation in Applied Music - Percussion10 A OSF2F Kerley, Jolaine
MUPP 496 A Recital Preparation in Applied Music - Percussion10 A OSF2F Kerley, Jolaine
MUPS 122 A Applied Music - Strings (Novice Level or Secondary Area)40 A OSF2F Kerley, Jolaine
MUPS 126 A Applied Music - Strings (Primary Area)40 A OSF2F Kerley, Jolaine
MUPS 222 A Applied Music - Strings (Novice Level or Secondary Area)40 A OSF2F Kerley, Jolaine
MUPS 226 A Applied Music - Strings (Primary Area)39 A OSF2F Kerley, Jolaine
MUPS 322 A Applied Music - Strings (Novice Level or Secondary Area)40 A OSF2F Kerley, Jolaine
MUPS 326 A Applied Music - Strings (Primary Area)38 A OSF2F Kerley, Jolaine
MUPS 422 A Applied Music - Strings (Novice Level or Secondary Area)40 A OSF2F Kerley, Jolaine
MUPS 426 A Applied Music - Strings (Primary Area)40 A OSF2F Kerley, Jolaine
MUPS 495 A Recital Preparation in Applied Music - Strings10 A OSF2F Kerley, Jolaine
MUPS 496 A Recital Preparation in Applied Music - Strings10 A OSF2F Kerley, Jolaine
MUPV 122 A Applied Music - Voice (Novice Level or Secondary Area)34 A OSF2F Kerley, Jolaine
McCormack, Mairi-Irene
MUPV 126 A Applied Music - Voice (Primary Area)34 A OSF2F Kerley, Jolaine
McCormack, Mairi-Irene
MUPV 222 A Applied Music - Voice (Novice Level or Secondary Area)35 A OSF2F Kerley, Jolaine
McCormack, Mairi-Irene
MUPV 226 A Applied Music - Voice (Primary Area)35 A OSF2F Kerley, Jolaine
McCormack, Mairi-Irene
MUPV 322 A Applied Music - Voice (Novice Level or Secondary Area)39 A OSF2F Kerley, Jolaine
McCormack, Mairi-Irene
MUPV 326 A Applied Music - Voice (Primary Area)39 A OSF2F Kerley, Jolaine
McCormack, Mairi-Irene
MUPV 422 A Applied Music - Voice (Novice Level or Secondary Area)40 A OSF2F Kerley, Jolaine
McCormack, Mairi-Irene
MUPV 426 A Applied Music - Voice (Primary Area)40 A OSF2F Kerley, Jolaine
McCormack, Mairi-Irene
MUPV 495 A Recital Preparation in Applied Music - Voice8 A OSF2F Kerley, Jolaine
McCormack, Mairi-Irene
MUPV 496 A Recital Preparation in Applied Music - Voice10 A OSF2F Kerley, Jolaine
McCormack, Mairi-Irene
MUPW 122 A Applied Music - Winds (Novice Level or Secondary Area)39 A OSF2F Kerley, Jolaine
MUPW 126 A Applied Music - Winds (Primary Area)39 A OSF2F Kerley, Jolaine
MUPW 222 A Applied Music - Winds (Novice Level or Secondary Area)39 A OSF2F Kerley, Jolaine
MUPW 226 A Applied Music - Winds (Primary Area)39 A OSF2F Kerley, Jolaine
MUPW 322 A Applied Music - Winds (Novice Level or Secondary Area)40 A OSF2F Kerley, Jolaine
MUPW 326 A Applied Music - Winds (Primary Area)40 A OSF2F Kerley, Jolaine
MUPW 422 A Applied Music - Winds (Novice Level or Secondary Area)40 A OSF2F Kerley, Jolaine
MUPW 426 A Applied Music - Winds (Primary Area)39 A OSF2F Kerley, Jolaine
MUPW 495 A Recital Preparation in Applied Music - Winds9 A OSF2F Kerley, Jolaine
MUPW 496 A Recital Preparation in Applied Music - Winds10 A OSF2F Kerley, Jolaine
MUS 100 A Rudiments of Music22 A OSF2FMWF08:0008:50Brough, John
MUS 101 A Music of the Western World32 A OSF2FMWF10:0010:50Brough, John
MUS 211 A Music Theory I31 A OSF2FMWF11:0011:50Crutchley, Ian
MUS 213 A Aural and Keyboard Skills I13 A OSF2FMWF09:0009:50Lisboa, Danielle
MUS 262 A Congregational Song33 A OSF2FMWF15:0015:50Berg, Joy
MUS 335 A Vocal Pedagogy Project Preparation16 A OSF2FT08:0009:15Kerley, Jolaine
MUS 380 A Vocal Literature12 A OSF2FTR11:1012:25McCormack, Mairi-Irene
MUS 395 A Church Music Practicum/Project Preparation10 A OSF2F Berg, Joy
MUS 396 A Church Music Practicum/Project5 A OSF2F Berg, Joy
MUS 495 A Senior Music Project Preparation5 AInd Kerley, Jolaine
PACT111 A Basketball18 A OSF2FMWF08:0008:50Plant, Karen
PACT111 B Basketball2 A OSF2FMWF09:0009:50Cipywnyk, Blair
PACT118 A SoccerFULLF2FTR14:0015:15Monaghan, Lorne
PACT118 B Soccer8 A OSF2FMWF15:0015:50Silva, Thiago
PACT131 A Badminton2 A OSF2FTR08:0009:15Richey, Jordan
PACT137 A VolleyballFULLF2FTR09:2510:40Monaghan, Lorne
PACT240 A Cooperative Games in Physical EducationFULLF2FMWF10:0010:50Wright, Erin
PACT240 C Cooperative Games in Physical EducationFULLF2FMWF11:0011:50Brophy, Diane
PACT250 A Outdoor Education8 A OSF2FF08:0010:50Monaghan, Lorne
PAT 111 A Intercollegiate Basketball24 A OSF2F Mrak, Joel
Valpreda, Robbie
Wood, Reagan
Classes run from:
2022-09-07 to 2023-04-19
Deadline to add/drop:
2022-09-09 12:00:00
Last day to withdraw:
PAT 118 A Intercollegiate Soccer33 A OSF2F Imbrogno, Franco
Mrak, Joel
Silva, Thiago
PAT 131 A Intercollegiate Badminton31 A OSF2F Mrak, Joel
Smillie, Rachael
Classes run from:
2022-09-07 to 2023-04-19
Deadline to add/drop:
2022-09-09 12:00:00
Last day to withdraw:
PAT 138 A Intercollegiate Volleyball31 A OSF2F Kristel, Dione
McLaughlin, Ken
Mrak, Joel
Classes run from:
2022-09-07 to 2023-04-19
Deadline to add/drop:
2022-09-09 12:00:00
Last day to withdraw:
PAT 147 A Intercollegiate Ice Hockey26 A OSF2F Bouchard, Joey
Mrak, Joel
Classes run from:
2022-09-07 to 2023-04-19
Deadline to add/drop:
2022-09-09 12:00:00
Last day to withdraw:
PAT 148 A Intercollegiate Cross Country Running33 A OSF2F Mrak, Joel
Norminton, Matthew
PAT 211 A Intercollegiate Basketball24 A OSF2F Mrak, Joel
Valpreda, Robbie
Wood, Reagan
Classes run from:
2022-09-07 to 2023-04-19
Deadline to add/drop:
2022-09-09 12:00:00
Last day to withdraw:
PAT 218 A Intercollegiate Soccer33 A OSF2F Imbrogno, Franco
Mrak, Joel
Silva, Thiago
PAT 231 A Intercollegiate Badminton31 A OSF2F Mrak, Joel
Smillie, Rachael
Classes run from:
2022-09-07 to 2023-04-19
Deadline to add/drop:
2022-09-09 12:00:00
Last day to withdraw:
PAT 238 A Intercollegiate Volleyball31 A OSF2F Kristel, Dione
McLaughlin, Ken
Mrak, Joel
Classes run from:
2022-09-07 to 2023-04-19
Deadline to add/drop:
2022-09-09 12:00:00
Last day to withdraw:
PAT 247 A Intercollegiate Ice Hockey26 A OSF2F Bouchard, Joey
Mrak, Joel
Classes run from:
2022-09-07 to 2023-04-19
Deadline to add/drop:
2022-09-09 12:00:00
Last day to withdraw:
PAT 248 A Intercollegiate Cross Country Running33 A OSF2F Mrak, Joel
Norminton, Matthew
PESS 101 A Introduction to Physical Education, Health, and Wellness8 A OSF2FMWF09:0009:50Atchison, Bobbi-Jo
PESS 101 B Introduction to Physical Education, Health, and Wellness1 A OSF2FMWF10:0010:50Tharle-Oluk, Robin
PESS 101 C Introduction to Physical Education, Health, and Wellness2 A OSF2FMWF11:0011:50Tharle-Oluk, Robin
PESS 101 D Introduction to Physical Education, Health, and Wellness16 A OSF2FTR08:0009:15Peters, Jen
PESS 101 J Introduction to Physical Education, Health, and Wellness23 A OSF2FM18:0020:50Slater, Karen
PESS 201 B Human Growth and Motor Development Across the Lifespan22 A OSF2FMWF08:0008:50Atchison, Bobbi-Jo
Ebert, Amanda
PESS 231 B Leisure and Recreation in Contemporary Canada7 A OSF2FTR11:1012:25Fowler, Teresa
PESS 293 A Introduction to the Movement Activities of Children Aged 5-124 A OSF2FMWF13:0013:50Wright, Erin
PESS 293 B Introduction to the Movement Activities of Children Aged 5-123 A OSF2FMWF13:0013:50Ebert, Amanda
PESS 293 C Introduction to the Movement Activities of Children Aged 5-121 A OSBldMWF14:0014:50Brophy, Diane
PESS 301 A Foundations of Human Movement24 A OSF2FTR12:3513:50Peters, Jen
PESS 330 A Health Promotion and Comprehensive School Health16 A OSF2FMWF12:0012:50Wright, Erin
PESS 345 A Introduction to Sports Management24 A OSF2FTR14:0015:15Torrance, Brian
PHIL101 A Introduction to EthicsFULLF2FMWF09:0009:50Dumsday, Travis
PHIL101 B Introduction to EthicsFULLF2FMWF10:0010:50Andes, Peter
PHIL101 C Introduction to EthicsFULLF2FMWF11:0011:50Andes, Peter
PHIL102 A Introduction to Philosophy19 A OSF2FTR15:2516:40Labron, Tim
PHIL102 B Introduction to Philosophy1 A OSF2FTR12:3513:50Labron, Tim
PHIL201 A Introduction to EthicsFULLF2FMWF09:0009:50Dumsday, Travis
PHIL201 B Introduction to EthicsFULLF2FMWF10:0010:50Andes, Peter
PHIL201 C Introduction to EthicsFULLF2FMWF11:0011:50Andes, Peter
PHIL202 A Introduction to Philosophy19 A OSF2FTR15:2516:40Labron, Tim
PHIL202 B Introduction to Philosophy1 A OSF2FTR12:3513:50Labron, Tim
PHIL215 A Epistemology15 AF2FMWF13:0013:50Andes, Peter
PHIL240 A Western Philosophy - Ancient and Medieval10 A OSF2FMWF11:0011:50Dumsday, Travis
PHIL290 A Philosophy of Religion6 AF2FTR11:1012:25Labron, Tim
PHIL415 A The Philosopher's Craft: Epistemology15 AF2FMWF13:0013:50Andes, Peter
PHIL490 A The Philosopher's Craft: Philosophy of Religion6 AF2FTR11:1012:25Labron, Tim
PHY 111 A Introduction to University Physics I20 A OSF2FTR08:0009:15Portillo, Stephen
PHY 111 ALLab for Introduction to University Physics I2 A OSF2FM11:0013:50Omiyinka, Tokunbo
PHY 111 ASSeminar for Introduction to University Physics I9 A OSF2FF11:0011:50Omiyinka, Tokunbo
PHY 111 BLLab for Introduction to University Physics I1 A OSF2FM14:1017:00Omiyinka, Tokunbo
PHY 111 BSSeminar for Introduction to University Physics I12 A OSF2FF14:0014:50Omiyinka, Tokunbo
PHY 111 CLLab for Introduction to University Physics I8 A OSF2FM17:2020:10Omiyinka, Tokunbo
PHY 111 ELLab for Introduction to University Physics I11 A OSF2FT14:1017:00Voronkov, Igor
PHY 121 ALLab for Introductory General Physics I2 A OSF2FM11:0013:50Omiyinka, Tokunbo
PHY 121 B Introductory General Physics I31 A OSF2FTR09:2510:40Portillo, Stephen
PHY 121 BLLab for Introductory General Physics I1 A OSF2FM14:1017:00Omiyinka, Tokunbo
PHY 121 CLLab for Introductory General Physics I8 A OSF2FM17:2020:10Omiyinka, Tokunbo
PHY 121 ELLab for Introductory General Physics I11 A OSF2FT14:1017:00Voronkov, Igor
PHY 211 A Thermodynamics and Kinetic Theory9 A OSF2FMWF13:0013:50Pitchko, Vladimir
PHY 301 A Quantum Mechanics17 A OSF2FMWF11:0011:50Pitchko, Vladimir
PHY 301 ASSeminar for Quantum Mechanics17 A OSF2FR11:0011:50Pitchko, Vladimir
POPC 111 A Pop Culture, Philosophy and Religion 1FULLF2FMWF11:0011:50Anderson, Bill
POPC 213 A Film, Philosophy and Religion 16 A OSF2FMWF10:0010:50Anderson, Bill
PSCI101 A Introduction to Government30 OSF2FMWF15:0015:50Blythe, Mark
PSCI101 B Introduction to Government18 OSF2FTR12:3513:50Lambert, Ruth
PSCI224 A Canadian National Government27 OSF2FMWF14:0014:50Blythe, Mark
PSCI280 A Comparative Politics11 OSF2FMWF12:0012:50Lambert, Ruth
PSCI361 A Ethical Issues in the Global Political Economy7 OSF2FT14:0016:50Smythe, Elizabeth
PSY 104 B Basic Psychological ProcessesFULLF2FMWF09:0009:50Passmore, Holli-Anne
PSY 104 C Basic Psychological ProcessesFULLF2FMWF11:0011:50Long, Justin
PSY 104 D Basic Psychological ProcessesFULLF2FMWF12:0012:50Long, Justin
PSY 104 F Basic Psychological ProcessesFULLF2FMWF14:0014:50Campbell, Kimberley
PSY 104 H Basic Psychological Processes39 A OSF2FMWF17:0017:50Lieb, Glynnis
PSY 104 J Basic Psychological ProcessesFULLF2FMWF10:0010:50Long, Justin
PSY 104 K Basic Psychological Processes51 A OSF2FT19:0021:50Wong, Justin
PSY 105 A Individual and Social Behaviour33 A OSF2FMWF16:0016:50Phillips, Jenny Ann
PSY 105 B Individual and Social BehaviourFULLF2FTR11:1012:25Rowbottom, Lisa
PSY 211 A Statistical Methods for Psychological Research14 A OSF2FMWF09:0009:50Taikh, Alexander
PSY 211 ALLab for Statistical Methods for Psychological Research14 A OSF2FW08:0008:50Taikh, Alexander
PSY 211 B Statistical Methods for Psychological Research1 A OSF2FMWF11:0011:50Yildirim-Erbasli, Seyma
PSY 211 BLLab for Statistical Methods for Psychological Research1 A OSF2FW10:0010:50Yildirim-Erbasli, Seyma
PSY 211 C Statistical Methods for Psychological Research10 A OSF2FMWF13:0013:50Yildirim-Erbasli, Seyma
PSY 211 CLLab for Statistical Methods for Psychological Research10 A OSF2FW12:0012:50Yildirim-Erbasli, Seyma
PSY 211 D Statistical Methods for Psychological Research5 A OSF2FTR08:0009:15Marjanovic, Zdravko
PSY 211 DLLab for Statistical Methods for Psychological Research5 A OSF2FW11:0011:50Marjanovic, Zdravko
PSY 223 A Developmental PsychologyFULLF2FMWF12:0012:50Lessard, Justin
PSY 223 B Developmental Psychology28 A OSF2FMWF15:0015:50Flood, Mikaela
PSY 275 A Brain and BehaviourFULLF2FTR09:2510:40Campbell, Kimberley
PSY 275 B Brain and BehaviourFULLF2FTR11:1012:25Howorko, Adam
PSY 281 A Principles of Behaviour Change22 A OSF2FTR09:2510:40Howorko, Adam
PSY 305 A Ethical Issues in Professional Psychology1 OSF2FTR09:2510:40Comeau, Thea
PSY 307 A Health Psychology16 A OSF2FMWF09:0009:50Howorko, Adam
PSY 307 B Health Psychology12 A OSF2FMWF13:0013:50Howorko, Adam
PSY 311 A Intermediate Statistics20 A OSF2FMWF08:0008:50Davidson, Ian
PSY 311 ASSeminar for Intermediate Statistics20 A OSF2FW10:0010:50Davidson, Ian
PSY 311 B Intermediate StatisticsFULLF2FMWF11:0011:50Rooney, Bryan
PSY 311 BSSeminar for Intermediate StatisticsFULLF2FF10:0010:50Rooney, Bryan
PSY 311 C Intermediate Statistics9 A OSF2FMWF09:0009:50Davidson, Ian
PSY 311 CSSeminar for Intermediate Statistics9 A OSF2FW14:0014:50Davidson, Ian
PSY 319 A Research Designs and Intermediate Statistical Methods in Psychology2 A OSF2FMWF09:0009:50Rooney, Bryan
PSY 319 ASSeminar for Research Designs and Intermediate Statistical Methods in Psychology2 A OSF2FW10:0010:50Rooney, Bryan
PSY 319 B Research Designs and Intermediate Statistical Methods in Psychology4 A OSF2FMWF11:0011:50Congdon, Jenna
PSY 319 BSSeminar for Research Designs and Intermediate Statistical Methods in Psychology4 A OSF2FF10:0010:50Congdon, Jenna
PSY 319 C Research Designs and Intermediate Statistical Methods in Psychology9 A OSF2FMWF13:0013:50Rooney, Bryan
PSY 319 CSSeminar for Research Designs and Intermediate Statistical Methods in Psychology9 A OSF2FW14:0014:50Rooney, Bryan
PSY 319 H Research Designs and Intermediate Statistical Methods in Psychology15 A OSF2FMWF15:0015:50Congdon, Jenna
PSY 319 HSSeminar for Research Designs and Intermediate Statistical Methods in Psychology15 A OSF2FF14:0014:50Congdon, Jenna
PSY 324 A Adult Development and Human Aging2 A OSF2FTR12:3513:50Martin, Deena
PSY 332 B Communication and Counselling Skills1 A OSF2FTR11:1012:25Reimer, Aimee
PSY 334 A Personality Disorders in Modern Life2 A OSF2FM18:0021:00Dyce, Jamie
PSY 335 A Positive Psychology: The Science of Well-Being1 A OSF2FTR15:2516:40Passmore, Holli-Anne
PSY 338 A PersonalityFULLF2FTR09:2510:40Damsgard, Erika
PSY 338 B PersonalityFULLF2FTR14:0015:15Lieb, Glynnis
PSY 339 A Abnormal PsychologyFULLF2FTR09:2510:40Lieb, Glynnis
PSY 341 A Social Psychology1 A OSF2FMWF10:0010:50Lieb, Glynnis
PSY 341 B Social Psychology18 A OSF2FMWF16:0016:50Lieb, Glynnis
PSY 350 A Corrections and Forensics: Criminal BehaviourFULLF2FM18:3021:20Abada, Abigail
PSY 351 A Human Sexual BehaviourFULLF2FTR11:1012:25Parker, Brian
PSY 351 B Human Sexual BehaviourFULLF2FTR12:3513:50Parker, Brian
PSY 358 A Cognition2 A OSF2FTR12:3513:50Taikh, Alexander
PSY 358 B Cognition17 A OSF2FTR14:0015:15Howorko, Adam
PSY 359 A Atypical Development11 A OSBldMWF14:0014:50Orobio, Cristina
PSY 399 A Psychology of Women10 A OSF2FTR15:2516:40Graham, Aynsley
PSY 399 B Psychology of Women23 A OSF2FTR16:5018:05Graham, Aynsley
PSY 405 A Special Topics: History and Systems of PsychologyFULLF2FMWF09:0009:50Kulak, Alison
PSY 405 B Special Topics: History and Systems of Psychology2 AF2FMWF10:0010:50Kulak, Alison
PSY 407 A Special Topics: Economic Psychology3 AF2FMWF13:0013:50Marjanovic, Zdravko
PSY 408 A Special Topics: Nature and Well-beingFULLF2FMWF11:0011:50Passmore, Holli-Anne
PSY 408 B Special Topics: Nature and Well-being2F2FMWF15:0015:50Passmore, Holli-Anne
PSY 409 A Special Topics: Self, Identity, and Subjectivity5F2FMWF
Davidson, Ian
PSY 431 A Theory and Practice of Psychometrics5 AF2FW18:3021:20Erickson, Greg
PSY 434 A Intellectual Assessment11 AF2FW15:0017:50Brodie, Norman
Lundell, Karen
PSY 435 A Clinical and Counselling Psychology: Theories and Applications7 AF2FTR08:0009:15Mulholland, Janna
PSY 435 B Clinical and Counselling Psychology: Theories and Applications1 AF2FTR15:2516:40Lessard, Justin
PSY 480 I Independent Research in Psychology IN/AInd Davidson, Ian
PSY 480 X Independent Research in Psychology IN/AInd St. Arnaud, Kevin
PSY 486 A Field Placement IFULLFldR14:0015:15Kulak, Alison
Ross, Carmen
Classes run from:
2022-09-07 to 2023-04-19
Deadline to add/drop:
2022-09-09 12:00:00
Last day to withdraw:
PSY 496 A Field Placement II2FldR14:0015:15Comeau, Thea
Pullin, Wendy
Ross, Carmen
Classes run from:
2022-09-07 to 2023-04-19
Deadline to add/drop:
2022-09-09 12:00:00
Last day to withdraw:
PSY 605 A Ethical and Professional Issues in Psychological Practice10 AF2FW09:0011:50St. Arnaud, Kevin
PSY 611 A Quantitative Data Analysis13 AF2FT09:2512:15Gorgun, Guher
PSY 611 ASSeminar for Quantitative Data Analysis13 AF2FW15:0015:50Gorgun, Guher
PSY 631 A Theory and Practice of Psychometrics9 AF2FT18:0019:15Dyce, Jamie
PSY 631 ALLab for Theory and Practice of Psychometrics9 AF2FT19:3020:45Dyce, Jamie
PSY 635 C Advanced Intellectual Assessment Practicum17WILR09:2513:15Zare-Bawani, Farzad
PSY 636 B Advanced Personality Assessment12 A OSF2FT13:3014:45Dyce, Jamie
PSY 636 BLLab for Advanced Personality Assessment12 A OSF2FT15:0016:15Dyce, Jamie
PSY 637 A Advanced Personality Assessment Practicum17 AWILS13:0016:50Dyce, Jamie
PSY 659 A Child and Adolescent Psychopathology, Diagnosis and Complex Case Conceptualization9 AF2FT13:3014:45Zare-Bawani, Farzad
PSY 659 ASSeminar for Child and Adolescent Psychopathology, Diagnosis and Complex Case Conceptualization9 AF2FT15:0016:15Zare-Bawani, Farzad
PSY 801 A Theoretical and Empirical Foundations of Clinical Psychology10 AF2FR13:4516:35Hanson, Bill
PSY 838 A Clinical Psychology Practicum I 5 A OSWILM09:0011:50St. Arnaud, Kevin
PSY 838 B Clinical Psychology Practicum I 6 A OSWILM13:3016:20St. Arnaud, Kevin
REL 101 A Western Religious Traditions14 A OSF2FMWF13:0013:50Cho, InHee
REL 101 B Western Religious Traditions27 A OSBldMWF14:0014:50Cho, InHee
REL 102 A Eastern Religious Traditions30 A OSF2FTR08:0009:15Labron, Tim
REL 252 A Old Testament Literature33 A OSF2FMWF09:0009:50Anderson, Bill
REL 253 A New Testament Literature18 A OSF2FMWF11:0011:50Cho, InHee
REL 290 A Faith and Reason6 AF2FTR11:1012:25Labron, Tim
REL 362 A Synoptic Gospels11 A OSF2FTR11:1012:25Muir, Steven
REL 367 A Studies in the Pauline Literature12 A OSF2FTR14:0015:15Muir, Steven
SOC 100 A Sociological Concepts and PerspectivesFULLF2FMWF11:0011:50Etoroma, Efa
SOC 100 B Sociological Concepts and Perspectives13 A OSF2FMWF15:0015:50Etoroma, Efa
SOC 100 C Sociological Concepts and Perspectives41 A OSF2FW18:0021:00Timm, Tobias
SOC 100 D Sociological Concepts and PerspectivesFULLF2FTR12:3513:50Ayoyo, Damilohun
SOC 100 E Sociological Concepts and Perspectives24 A OSF2FTR14:0015:15Lozowy, Andriko
SOC 102 A Social Problems18 A OSF2FM18:0020:50Eke, Bede
SOC 204 A Aboriginal Societies in the Canadian Context18 A OSF2FMWF13:0013:50Mhina, Christine
SOC 210 A Introduction to Social Statistics29 A OSF2FTR11:1012:25Thanarajah, Silogini
SOC 210 ALLab for Introduction to Social Statistics1 A OSF2FR12:3514:25Thanarajah, Silogini
SOC 210 BLLab for Introduction to Social Statistics4 A OSF2FR14:5016:40Thanarajah, Silogini
SOC 225 A Criminology1 A OSF2FTR08:0009:15Ayoyo, Damilohun
SOC 225 B Criminology20 A OSBldTR15:2516:40Ayoyo, Damilohun
SOC 241 A Social Psychology21 A OSF2FMWF14:0014:50Etoroma, Efa
SOC 260 A Sociology of Inequality and Social Stratification1 A OSF2FMWF11:0011:50Lozowy, Andriko
SOC 260 B Sociology of Inequality and Social Stratification6 A OSF2FMWF09:0009:50Lozowy, Andriko
SOC 271 A The FamilyFULLF2FMWF15:0015:50Timm, Tobias
SOC 301 A Gender Studies33 A OSF2FTR16:5018:05Timm, Tobias
SOC 315 A Introduction to Social Methodology3 A OSF2FTR09:2510:40Kulpa, Anastasia
SOC 315 ALLab for Introduction to Social Methodology3 A OSF2FT12:3514:25Kulpa, Anastasia
SOC 332 A The Development of Sociology I1 A OSF2FMWF10:0010:50Willey, Robin
SOC 332 B The Development of Sociology I5 A OSF2FMWF14:0014:50Willey, Robin
SOC 353 A Urban Sociology29 A OSF2FTR15:2516:40Lozowy, Andriko
SOC 376 A Sociology of Religion15 A OSF2FMWF15:0015:50Willey, Robin
SOC 377 A Sociology of Youth4 A OSF2FMWF12:0012:50Lozowy, Andriko
SOC 405 B Special Topics in SociologyFULLF2FTR11:1012:25Jayachandran, John
SOC 405 C Special Topics in Sociology7 AF2FMWF12:0012:50Jayachandran, John
SOC 480 B Independent Study10 AInd Etoroma, Efa
SOC 480 C Independent Study10 AInd Willey, Robin
SPA 101 A Beginners' Spanish I14 A OSF2FMW
Herrera, Hansy
SPA 101 B Beginners' Spanish I6 A OSF2FMW
Herrera, Hansy
SPA 101 C Beginners' Spanish I3 A OSF2FMF
Gaviria-Buck, Sandra
SPA 101 D Beginners' Spanish I2 A OSF2FMF
Primorac, Kate
SPA 101 E Beginners' Spanish I6 A OSF2FMW
Primorac, Kate
SPA 102 B Beginners' Spanish II16 A OSF2FMW
Herrera, Hansy
SPA 211 A Intermediate Spanish I21 A OSF2FMW
Primorac, Kate
UFDN 199 A University FoundationsFULLF2FMWF14:0014:50Bateman, Dan
UFDN 199 F University FoundationsFULLF2FTR14:0015:15Fitzgerald, Mary Frances
WRI 300 A Essay Writing (Non-fiction)FULLF2FMWF10:0010:50Bowering, Thea
WRI 300 B Essay Writing (Non-fiction)7 A OSF2FT18:0020:50Bowering, Thea
WRI 392 A Introduction to Creative Writing: Poetry3 A OSF2FTR15:2516:40Miller, Katherine
X-ARB 01 A Modern Standard Arabic I12 OSOnlF18:0020:00Fang, Xinxin
Hussein, Mai
Classes run from:
2022-09-09 to 2022-12-09
Deadline to add/drop:
2022-10-28 12:00:00
Last day to withdraw:
X-ARB 03 A Modern Standard Arabic III20 OSOnlS09:5011:50Fang, Xinxin
Hussein, Mai
Classes run from:
2022-09-10 to 2022-12-10
Deadline to add/drop:
2022-10-28 12:00:00
Last day to withdraw:
X-CHN 01 A Chinese HSK Level 114 OSF2FM16:0017:30Fang, Xinxin
Classes run from:
2022-09-12 to 2022-12-12
Deadline to add/drop:
2022-10-08 12:00:00
Last day to withdraw:
X-CHN 02 A Chinese HSK Level 218 OSF2FT16:0017:30Fang, Xinxin
Classes run from:
2022-09-13 to 2022-12-13
Deadline to add/drop:
2022-10-08 12:00:00
Last day to withdraw:
X-CHN 03 A Chinese HSK Level 319 OSF2FW16:0018:00Fang, Xinxin
Classes run from:
2022-09-14 to 2022-12-14
Deadline to add/drop:
2022-10-08 12:00:00
Last day to withdraw:
X-CHN 04 A Chinese HSK Level 420 OSF2FR16:0018:00Fang, Xinxin
Classes run from:
2022-09-15 to 2022-12-15
Deadline to add/drop:
2022-10-08 12:00:00
Last day to withdraw:
X-CHN 52 A Introduction to Chinese Culture98 A OSOnl Fang, Xinxin
Classes run from:
2022-10-01 to 2022-10-29
Deadline to add/drop:
2022-10-28 12:00:00
Last day to withdraw:
X-CHN 52 B Introduction to Chinese Culture97 A OSOnl Fang, Xinxin
Classes run from:
2022-11-01 to 2022-11-29
Deadline to add/drop:
2022-11-28 12:00:00
Last day to withdraw:
X-CHN 52 C Introduction to Chinese Culture99 A OSOnl Fang, Xinxin
Classes run from:
2022-12-01 to 2022-12-20
Deadline to add/drop:
2022-12-18 12:00:00
Last day to withdraw:
X-CHN 91 AL Tai Chi17 OSF2FR16:0017:00Fang, Xinxin
Classes run from:
2022-09-15 to 2022-12-15
Deadline to add/drop:
2022-10-31 12:00:00
Last day to withdraw:
X-CPP 01 A CELPIP Preparation - Reading49 OSF2FNS
Fang, Xinxin
Classes run from:
2022-11-01 to 2022-11-06
Deadline to add/drop:
2022-11-05 12:00:00
Last day to withdraw:
X-CPP 02 A CELPIP Preparation - Writing49 OSF2FNS
Fang, Xinxin
Classes run from:
2022-10-18 to 2022-10-23
Deadline to add/drop:
2022-10-20 12:00:00
Last day to withdraw:
X-CPP 03 A CELPIP Preparation - Speaking47 OSF2FNS
Fang, Xinxin
Classes run from:
2022-10-11 to 2022-10-16
Deadline to add/drop:
2022-10-14 12:00:00
Last day to withdraw:
X-CPP 04 A CELPIP Preparation - Listening47 OSF2FNS
Fang, Xinxin
Classes run from:
2022-09-20 to 2022-09-25
Deadline to add/drop:
2022-09-20 12:00:00
Last day to withdraw:
X-IND 01 A Indigenous Engagement and Collaboration8 OSF2FR17:0020:00Fang, Xinxin
Classes run from:
2022-09-08 to 2022-12-08
Deadline to add/drop:
2022-10-31 12:00:00
Last day to withdraw:
X-ISS 01 A Full Stack Development Bootcamp25 OSOnl Fang, Xinxin
Classes run from:
2022-10-10 to 2023-01-11
Deadline to add/drop:
2022-11-10 12:00:00
Last day to withdraw:
X-ISS 02 A Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence Bootcamp25 OSOnl Fang, Xinxin
Classes run from:
2022-10-10 to 2023-01-11
Deadline to add/drop:
2022-11-10 12:00:00
Last day to withdraw:
X-ISS 03 A Part-Time Full Stack Development Bootcamp24 OSOnl Fang, Xinxin
Classes run from:
2022-08-22 to 2023-01-27
Deadline to add/drop:
2022-09-02 12:00:00
Last day to withdraw:
X-ISS 11 A Fundamentals of Cybersecurity80 OSOnl Fang, Xinxin
Classes run from:
2022-09-05 to 2022-09-30
Deadline to add/drop:
2022-09-28 12:00:00
Last day to withdraw:
X-ISS 11 B Fundamentals of Cybersecurity79 OSOnl Fang, Xinxin
Classes run from:
2022-10-01 to 2022-10-31
Deadline to add/drop:
2022-10-28 12:00:00
Last day to withdraw:
X-ISS 11 C Fundamentals of Cybersecurity79 OSOnl Fang, Xinxin
Classes run from:
2022-11-01 to 2022-11-30
Deadline to add/drop:
2022-11-28 12:00:00
Last day to withdraw:
X-ISS 11 D Fundamentals of Cybersecurity80 OSOnl Fang, Xinxin
Classes run from:
2022-12-01 to 2022-12-14
Deadline to add/drop:
2022-12-12 12:00:00
Last day to withdraw:
X-ISS 21 A Machine Learning (ML) for Business Strategy-Business Mapping20 OSBldS10:0011:30Fang, Xinxin
Classes run from:
2022-10-29 to 2022-12-10
Deadline to add/drop:
2022-11-20 12:00:00
Last day to withdraw:
X-ISS 22 A Machine Learning (ML) for Business Strategy - ML Canvas9 A OSBldW18:0020:00Fang, Xinxin
Classes run from:
2022-10-19 to 2022-11-23
Deadline to add/drop:
2022-11-01 12:00:00
Last day to withdraw:
X-MGT 51 A Renewable and Sustainable Energy Management 99 OSOnlS11:0012:00Fang, Xinxin
Weshah, Nesreen
Classes run from:
2022-09-03 to 2022-10-22
Deadline to add/drop:
2022-10-01 12:00:00
Last day to withdraw:
X-MGT 51 B Renewable and Sustainable Energy Management 99 OSOnlS11:0012:00Fang, Xinxin
Weshah, Nesreen
Classes run from:
2022-10-29 to 2022-12-17
Deadline to add/drop:
2022-12-01 12:00:00
Last day to withdraw:
X-MGT 52 A Getting It Right On Renewables99 OSOnlT18:3020:30Fang, Xinxin
Classes run from:
2022-09-13 to 2022-11-01
Deadline to add/drop:
2022-10-13 12:00:00
Last day to withdraw:
X-PSD 21 A Ethics Training - Social Services25 A OSF2FS08:3016:30Bukutu, Cecilia
Fang, Xinxin
Classes run from:
2022-10-29 to 2022-11-12
Deadline to add/drop:
2022-10-30 12:00:00
Last day to withdraw:
X-PSD 92 A Change Management49 OSF2FFS08:3014:00Crouse, Nolan
Fang, Xinxin
Classes run from:
2022-09-09 to 2022-09-24
Deadline to add/drop:
2022-09-12 12:00:00
Last day to withdraw:
X-PSD 94 A Systems Leadership 24 OSOnlT09:3012:30Fang, Xinxin
Classes run from:
2022-10-04 to 2022-11-22
Deadline to add/drop:
2022-10-30 12:00:00
Last day to withdraw:
X-SKL 01 A Career Transitions: Career Management & Action Planning30 OSOnl Coyne, Shannon
Fang, Xinxin
Classes run from:
2022-09-12 to 2022-09-30
Deadline to add/drop:
2022-09-27 12:00:00
Last day to withdraw:
X-SKL 01 B Career Transitions: Career Management & Action Planning29 OSOnl Coyne, Shannon
Fang, Xinxin
Classes run from:
2022-10-01 to 2022-10-31
Deadline to add/drop:
2022-10-27 12:00:00
Last day to withdraw:
X-SKL 01 C Career Transitions: Career Management & Action Planning30 OSOnl Coyne, Shannon
Fang, Xinxin
Classes run from:
2022-11-01 to 2022-11-30
Deadline to add/drop:
2022-11-27 12:00:00
Last day to withdraw:
X-SKL 02 A Career Transitions: Professional Communication & Branding30 OSOnl Coyne, Shannon
Fang, Xinxin
Classes run from:
2022-09-12 to 2022-09-30
Deadline to add/drop:
2022-09-27 12:00:00
Last day to withdraw:
X-SKL 02 B Career Transitions: Professional Communication & Branding30 OSOnl Coyne, Shannon
Fang, Xinxin
Classes run from:
2022-10-01 to 2022-10-31
Deadline to add/drop:
2022-10-27 12:00:00
Last day to withdraw:
X-SKL 02 C Career Transitions: Professional Communication & Branding30 OSOnl Coyne, Shannon
Fang, Xinxin
Classes run from:
2022-11-01 to 2022-11-30
Deadline to add/drop:
2022-11-27 12:00:00
Last day to withdraw:
X-SKL 03 A Career Transitions: Networking & Building Professional Relationships30 OSOnl Coyne, Shannon
Fang, Xinxin
Classes run from:
2022-09-12 to 2022-09-30
Deadline to add/drop:
2022-09-27 12:00:00
Last day to withdraw:
X-SKL 03 B Career Transitions: Networking & Building Professional Relationships30 OSOnl Coyne, Shannon
Fang, Xinxin
Classes run from:
2022-10-01 to 2022-10-31
Deadline to add/drop:
2022-10-27 12:00:00
Last day to withdraw:
X-SKL 03 C Career Transitions: Networking & Building Professional Relationships30 OSOnl Coyne, Shannon
Fang, Xinxin
Classes run from:
2022-11-01 to 2022-11-30
Deadline to add/drop:
2022-11-27 12:00:00
Last day to withdraw:
X-SKL 21 A Email Marketing —Generating Warm Leads & Revenue20 OSOnlW18:3019:45Fang, Xinxin
Classes run from:
2022-09-28 to 2022-09-28
Deadline to add/drop:
2022-09-28 12:00:00
Last day to withdraw:
X-SKL 21 B Email Marketing —Generating Warm Leads & Revenue20 OSOnlW18:3019:45Fang, Xinxin
Classes run from:
2022-10-19 to 2022-10-19
Deadline to add/drop:
2022-10-19 12:00:00
Last day to withdraw:
X-SKL 21 C Email Marketing —Generating Warm Leads & Revenue20 OSOnlW18:3019:45Fang, Xinxin
Classes run from:
2022-11-16 to 2022-11-16
Deadline to add/drop:
2022-11-16 12:00:00
Last day to withdraw:
X-SOC 03 A Introduction to Coptic Studies29 OSOnlT18:3020:30Fang, Xinxin
Classes run from:
2022-09-13 to 2022-12-06
Deadline to add/drop:
2022-10-30 12:00:00
Last day to withdraw: