Regular university classes run from Jan. 8, 2025 to Apr. 17, 2025
Regular deadline to add/drop: Jan. 15, 2025 12:00pm  
Regular last day to withdraw: Apr. 3, 2025  

The content on this page is intended for information purposes only.
Availability and/or registration in courses is not guaranteed.

Course SectionCourse TitleOpen SeatsDel.DaysStart TimeEnd TimeInstructor(s)
ACCT101 C Introductory Financial Accounting13 A OSF2FMW08:0009:50Al-jarrah, Khalaf
ACCT101 CSSeminar for Introductory Financial Accounting13 A OSF2FF09:0009:50Al-jarrah, Khalaf
ACCT102 ALLab for Introductory Management Accounting5 A OSF2FF11:0011:50Sulman, Abdul
ACCT102 B Introductory Management Accounting5 A OSF2FMW11:0012:50Sulman, Abdul
ACCT302 A Intermediate Financial Accounting II22 A OSF2FTR14:0015:15MacDonald, Charles
ACCT402 A Auditing Theory and Application7 A OSF2FTR11:1012:25Bhatara, Divya
ACCT402 ASSeminar for Auditing Theory and Application7 A OSF2FR10:0010:50Bhatara, Divya
ACCT405 A Advanced Management Accounting7 A OSF2FTR08:0009:15Roberts, Dominic
ACCT410 A Canadian Income Tax 211 A OSF2FTR12:3513:50Bhatara, Divya
AIT 100 C Undergraduate Academic Integrity Training90 OSOnl Emeny, Helen
ARAB 102 A Arabic Language for Beginners II20 A OSF2FMW
Ben Lazreg, Houssem
ARTH102 B Survey of Western Art II12 A OSF2FMW15:2516:40Goddard, Brandi
BBAS 197 B Bounce Back Academic Strategies 19719 OSF2FT09:2510:40Klippenstein, Janet
Twin, Alannah
BBAS 198 B Bounce Back Academic Strategies 19815 OSF2F Klippenstein, Janet
Twin, Alannah
BES 107 C Introduction to Cell Biology1 A OSF2FTR12:3513:50Bailey, Sophon
BES 107 GLLab for Introduction to Cell BiologyFULLF2FT14:0016:50Androschuk, Tara
BES 107 HLLab for Introduction to Cell Biology1 A OSF2FW09:0011:50Qureshi, Hassan
BES 107 JLLab for Introduction to Cell BiologyFULLF2FW14:0016:50Kaur, Parvinder
BES 108 C Organisms in Their Environment15 A OSF2FMWF12:0012:50Camacho-AlpĂ­zar, Andres
BES 108 D Organisms in Their Environment13 A OSF2FMWF13:0013:50Alam, Benazir
BES 108 FLLab for Organisms in Their EnvironmentFULLF2FT14:0016:50McPherson, Morag
BES 108 GLLab for Organisms in Their Environment5 A OSF2FW09:0011:50MacElheren, Megan
BES 108 HLLab for Organisms in Their EnvironmentFULLF2FW14:0016:50Springer, Kyle
BES 108 JLLab for Organisms in Their Environment3 A OSF2FR09:2512:15Pentyliuk, Natasha
BES 108 KLLab for Organisms in Their EnvironmentFULLF2FR14:0016:50Pentyliuk, Natasha
BIO 100 D Introduction to Biological Systems2 A OSF2FMWF15:0015:50Qureshi, Hassan
BIO 100 F Introduction to Biological Systems1 A OSBldMWF09:0009:50Vaziri, Maryam
BIO 201 C Cellular Biology16 A OSF2FMWF13:0013:50Qureshi, Hassan
BIO 201 DLLab for Cellular Biology14 A OSF2FR14:0016:50Shields, Justin
BIO 201 ELLab for Cellular Biology1 A OSF2FR14:0016:50Shields, Justin
BIO 201 FLLab for Cellular BiologyFULLF2FR09:2512:15Shields, Justin
BIO 207 C Molecular Genetics and Heredity22 A OSF2FMWF12:0012:50Walsh, John
BIO 207 FLLab for Molecular Genetics and Heredity4 A OSF2FT14:0016:50Price, Glynis
BIO 207 GLLab for Molecular Genetics and Heredity6 A OSF2FW09:0011:50Price, Glynis
BIO 207 HLLab for Molecular Genetics and Heredity11 A OSF2FT18:0020:50Androschuk, Tara
BIO 208 C Principles of Ecology10 A OSF2FTR08:0009:15Androschuk, Tara
BIO 208 FLLab for Principles of EcologyFULLF2FT09:2512:15Springer, Kyle
BIO 208 GLLab for Principles of Ecology3 A OSF2FT14:0016:50Pentyliuk, Natasha
BIO 208 JLLab for Principles of Ecology5 A OSF2FW09:0011:50Springer, Kyle
BIO 215 A Behavioural Ecology24 A OSF2FMWF12:0012:50Scott, Bradley
BIO 215 ALLab for Behavioural EcologyFULLF2FM09:0011:50Pentyliuk, Natasha
BIO 215 BLLab for Behavioural Ecology7 A OSF2FM14:0016:50Pentyliuk, Natasha
BIO 227 B Science Communication11 A OSF2FTR12:3513:50Kaur, Parvinder
BIO 250 A Survey of the Invertebrates33 A OSF2FTR11:1012:25Chen, Xin
BIO 250 ALLab for Survey of the Invertebrates7 A OSF2FM09:0011:50Springer, Kyle
BIO 250 BLLab for Survey of the Invertebrates9 A OSF2FM14:0016:50Springer, Kyle
BIO 260 B Human Anatomy12 A OSF2FMWF15:0015:50Scott, Bradley
BIO 260 C Human Anatomy23 A OSF2FMWF08:0008:50
BIO 261 B Human Physiology3 A OSF2FMWF09:0009:50Alam, Benazir
BIO 265 A General Microbiology19 A OSF2FMWF13:0013:50Soliman, Amro
BIO 265 ALLab for General Microbiology10 A OSF2FM09:0011:50Price, Glynis
BIO 265 BLLab for General Microbiology4 A OSF2FM14:0016:50Price, Glynis
BIO 265 CLLab for General Microbiology4 A OSF2FT09:2512:15Price, Glynis
BIO 308 A Population and Community Ecology20 A OSF2FMWF15:0015:50Nyade, Praise
BIO 308 ALLab for Population and Community Ecology7 A OSF2FT14:0016:50Nyade, Praise
BIO 308 BLLab for Population and Community Ecology13 A OSF2FR14:0016:50Nyade, Praise
BIO 320 A Biological Structure and Catalysis29 A OSF2FMWF10:0010:50Rybkina, Xenia
BIO 330 B Work Experience28 A OSWIL Churchward, Matthew
BIO 339 B Conservation Biology4 A OSF2FMWF14:0014:50Bieraugle, Megan
BIO 343 A Cellular Communication and Symbiosis2 A OSF2FMWF13:0013:50Kaur, Parvinder
BIO 344 A Brain Chemistry and Pharmacology14 A OSF2FMWF11:0011:50Churchward, Matthew
BIO 352 B Toxicology23 A OSF2FTR11:1012:25Ramirez-Duarte, Wilson
BIO 352 CLLab for Toxicology5 A OSF2FF09:0011:50Bailey, Sophon
BIO 352 DLLab for ToxicologyFULLF2FR14:0016:50Bailey, Sophon
BIO 371 B Introduction to Immunology28 A OSF2FTR09:2510:40Rybkina, Xenia
BIO 415 A Risk AssessmentFULLF2FMWF09:0009:50Ramirez-Duarte, Wilson
BIO 450 B Independent Study14 A OSInd Bassey-Archibong, Blessing
Chen, Xin
Churchward, Matthew
Mapfumo, Emmanuel
Scott, Bradley
Walsh, John
BIO 465 A Advanced Microbiology and Biotechnology19 A OSF2FMWF10:0010:50Soliman, Amro
BIO 470 C Senior Seminar in BiologyFULLF2FT09:2511:05Vaziri, Maryam
BIO 470 D Senior Seminar in Biology4 A OSF2FR09:2511:05Kaur, Parvinder
BIO 480 C Advanced Research MethodsFULLF2FTR14:0015:15Chen, Xin
Scott, Bradley
Walsh, John
BIO 480 D Advanced Research Methods1 A OSF2FTR15:2516:40Chen, Xin
Scott, Bradley
Walsh, John
BIO 489 A Independent Research II15 A OSURP Chen, Xin
BIO 489 B Independent Research II13 A OSURP Churchward, Matthew
BIO 489 C Independent Research II13 A OSURP Walsh, John
BIO 489 D Independent Research II15 A OSURP Bassey-Archibong, Blessing
BIO 489 E Independent Research II12 A OSF2F Golizeh, Makan
Scott, Bradley
BIO 489 F Independent Research II15 A OSF2F Mapfumo, Emmanuel
BIOCH200 D Introductory Biochemistry25 A OSF2FTR12:3513:50Qureshi, Hassan
BIOCH320 A Biological Structure and Catalysis29 A OSF2FMWF10:0010:50Rybkina, Xenia
BIOCH343 A Cellular Communication and Symbiosis2 A OSF2FMWF13:0013:50Kaur, Parvinder
BIOCH350 A Laboratory Methods in Biochemistry10 A OSF2FR13:0013:50Walsh, John
BIOCH350 ALLab for Laboratory Methods in Biochemistry10 A OSF2FW14:0016:50Walsh, John
BUS 110 E Business Fundamentals7 A OSF2FMWF08:0008:50Ndlovu, Patrick
BUS 111 B Business Computations11 A OSF2FMWF10:0010:50MacDonald, Charles
BUS 112 B Business Statistics5 A OSF2FMWF09:0009:50MacDonald, Charles
BUS 112 BLLab for Business Statistics5 A OSF2FM08:0008:50MacDonald, Charles
BUS 120 B Organizational Behaviour8 A OSF2FMWF10:0010:50Naef, Michelle
BUS 120 C Organizational Behaviour1 A OSF2FTR11:1012:25Naef, Michelle
BUS 210 B Principles of Business Law3 A OSF2FTR14:0015:15Oluwi, Victor
BUS 220 B Principles of Management3 A OSF2FMWF12:0012:50Olagunju, Dele
BUS 250 B Management Information Systems8 A OSF2FMWF08:0008:50Ekrebe, Zeal
CH 101 F Introductory University Chemistry I4 A OSBldMWF12:0012:50Matlinska, Maria Anna
CH 101 QLLab for Introductory University Chemistry IFULLF2FM14:0016:50Matlinska, Maria Anna
CH 101 RLLab for Introductory University Chemistry I3 A OSF2FM14:0016:50Melnik, Juri
CH 101 SLLab for Introductory University Chemistry I1 A OSF2FT14:0016:50Babcock, Cole
CH 102 A Introductory University Chemistry II16 A OSF2FMWF11:0011:50Matlinska, Maria Anna
CH 102 ALLab for Introductory University Chemistry II5 A OSF2FR08:0010:50Baek, Jenny
CH 102 B Introductory University Chemistry II26 A OSBldMWF13:0013:50Matlinska, Maria Anna
CH 102 BLLab for Introductory University Chemistry II15 A OSF2FR08:0010:50Melnik, Juri
CH 102 CLLab for Introductory University Chemistry IIFULLF2FR14:0016:50Baek, Jenny
CH 102 DLLab for Introductory University Chemistry IIFULLF2FR14:0016:50Matlinska, Maria Anna
CH 102 ELLab for Introductory University Chemistry II2 A OSF2FF08:0010:50Baek, Jenny
CH 150 B The Core of Chemistry38 A OSF2FTR08:0009:15Tabana, Yasser
CH 213 A Quantitative Analytical Chemistry II13 A OSF2FMWF13:0013:50Washington, John
CH 213 ALLab for Quantitative Analytical Chemistry II7 A OSF2FM14:0018:00Baek, Jenny
CH 213 BLLab for Quantitative Analytical Chemistry II6 A OSF2FT08:0011:50Baek, Jenny
CH 261 B Basic Organic Chemistry I6 A OSF2FTR11:1012:25Vakili, Reza
CH 261 ELLab for Basic Organic Chemistry I4 A OSF2FW14:0016:50Melnik, Juri
CH 261 FLLab for Basic Organic Chemistry I1 A OSF2FR08:0010:50Vakili, Reza
CH 261 GLLab for Basic Organic Chemistry I1 A OSF2FR14:0016:50Melnik, Juri
CH 263 A Basic Organic Chemistry II29 A OSF2FMWF10:0010:50Vakili, Reza
CH 263 ALLab for Basic Organic Chemistry II4 A OSF2FM14:0016:50Vakili, Reza
CH 263 BLLab for Basic Organic Chemistry II5 A OSF2FT14:0016:50Melnik, Juri
CH 273 A Physical Chemistry17 A OSF2FTR12:3513:50Knapp, Chrissy
CH 273 ALLab for Physical Chemistry6 A OSF2FW14:0016:50Knapp, Chrissy
CH 332 A Basic Inorganic Chemistry II: Transition Metals21 A OSF2FMWF11:0011:50Washington, John
CH 332 ALLab for Basic Inorganic Chemistry II: Transition Metals9 A OSF2FW14:0016:50Washington, John
CH 373 A Physical Properties and Dynamics of Chemical Systems17 A OSF2FTR12:3513:50Knapp, Chrissy
CH 373 ALLab for Physical Properties and Dynamics of Chemical Systems6 A OSF2FW14:0016:50Knapp, Chrissy
CH 391 A Work Placement I5 OSWIL Golizeh, Makan
CH 395 A Molecular Modelling15 A OSF2FTR11:1012:25Ebenezer, Oluwakemi
CH 400 CK Undergraduate Thesis in Chemistry14 OSURP Knapp, Chrissy
Classes run from:
2024-08-30 to 2025-04-17
Deadline to add/drop:
2024-09-06 12:00:00
Last day to withdraw:
CH 400 MG Undergraduate Thesis in Chemistry13 OSURP Golizeh, Makan
Classes run from:
2024-08-30 to 2025-04-17
Deadline to add/drop:
2024-09-06 12:00:00
Last day to withdraw:
CH 401 G Chemical Research15 OSURP Golizeh, Makan
CH 403 A Environmental Chemistry II: Chemical Transport and Distribution17 A OSF2FMWF09:0009:50Ebenezer, Oluwakemi
CH 494 A Advanced Chemical Studies21 A OSF2FMWF11:0011:50Washington, John
CH 494 ALLab for Advanced Chemical Studies9 A OSF2FW14:0016:50Washington, John
CH 497 A Advanced Chemical Studies13 A OSF2FMWF13:0013:50Washington, John
CH 497 ALLab for Advanced Chemical Studies7 A OSF2FM14:0018:00Baek, Jenny
CH 497 BLLab for Advanced Chemical Studies6 A OSF2FT08:0011:50Baek, Jenny
CLAS102 D Greek and Roman Mythology7 A OSF2FMWF13:0013:50Cho, InHee
CLAS102 E Greek and Roman Mythology37 A OSF2FMWF14:0014:50Cho, InHee
CLAS201 A Literature of Greece and Rome19 A OSF2FTR14:0015:15Micheelsen, Lisa
CLAS203 B Civilization of Ancient Greece23 A OSF2FTR11:1012:25Micheelsen, Lisa
CLAS205 A Ancient Roman Civilization4 A OSF2FTR12:3513:50Micheelsen, Lisa
CMPT111 B Introduction to Computing Science16 OSF2FMW08:0009:15Dahal, Samip
CMPT111 DLLab for Introduction to Computing Science2 OSF2FT11:0013:50Tymchyshyn, Ed
CMPT111 ELLab for Introduction to Computing Science13 A OSF2FW11:0013:50Tymchyshyn, Ed
CMPT421 A Introduction to Combinatorics22 A OSF2FTR09:2510:40Zhang, Kaylee
CREE 102 A Beginners' Cree II14 A OSF2FMW
Skinner, Les
CSM 301 B Information Security for Leaders and Managers12 A OSF2FMWF13:0013:50Krekelberg, Tseide
CSM 303 A Security Operations Management20 A OSF2FTR08:0009:15
CSM 305 A Network Security Management and Secure Communications16 A OSF2FTR11:1012:25Thompson, Shawn
DAN 250 C Ballet12 OSF2FMWF14:0014:50Metzger, Kathy
DAN 340 C Modern Dance7 OSF2FTR11:1012:25Frantsi, Janita
DRA 101 C Introduction to Theatre Art32 A OSF2FMWF13:0013:50Bergen, Amanda
DRA 101 D Introduction to Theatre Art30 A OSF2FTR09:2510:40Bergen, Amanda
DRA 102 B Play Analysis7 A OSF2FTR12:3513:50Peng, Michael
DRA 149 C Introduction to Dramatic ProcessFULLF2FMWF09:0010:50Howarth, Caroline
DRA 247 A Introduction to and Development of Physical and Vocal Communication4 A OSF2FMWF14:0015:50Stirling, Glenda
DRA 252 E Fundamentals of Public SpeakingFULLF2FTR09:2510:40Peng, Michael
DRA 252 F Fundamentals of Public SpeakingFULLBldMWF13:0013:50Fleiger, Michele
DRA 252 G Fundamentals of Public Speaking9 A OSBldMWF14:0014:50Peng, Michael
DRA 252 H Fundamentals of Public Speaking3 A OSF2FTR12:3513:50Fleiger, Michele
DRA 286 A Fundamentals and Practice of Theatrical Design16 A OSWILTR14:0015:15Hiemstra, Josiah
DRA 307 B Special Projects in Theatre Performance or Production I13 A OSWIL Hiemstra, Josiah
Howarth, Caroline
Stirling, Glenda
DRA 308 B Special Project in Theatre Performance or Production II18 A OSWIL Hiemstra, Josiah
Howarth, Caroline
Stirling, Glenda
DRA 309 A Extended Special Project in Theatre Performance or Production19 A OSWIL Hiemstra, Josiah
Howarth, Caroline
Stirling, Glenda
Classes run from:
2024-08-30 to 2025-04-17
Deadline to add/drop:
2024-09-06 12:00:00
Last day to withdraw:
DRA 383 A Fundamentals of Directing and Play Production11 A OSF2FTR10:0012:50Horak, David
DRA 495 A Senior Drama Seminar and Project2 A OSWILMWF11:0012:50Stirling, Glenda
DTM 401 A Data Management11 A OSF2FT17:0019:50Ndlovu, Patrick
EAS 102 A Introduction to Environmental Earth Science15 A OSF2FMWF12:0012:50Ishutov, Sergey
EAS 102 ALLab for Introduction to Environmental Earth ScienceFULLF2FT09:2512:15Thomas, Alison
EAS 102 BLLab for Introduction to Environmental Earth Science3 A OSF2FT14:0016:50Thomas, Alison
EAS 102 CLLab for Introduction to Environmental Earth Science12 A OSF2FW09:0011:50Thomas, Alison
ECO 101 D Introduction to Microeconomics12 A OSF2FTR09:2510:40Agamah, William
ECO 101 E Introduction to Microeconomics30 A OSF2FTR15:2516:40Franke, Oliver
ECO 102 A Introduction to Macroeconomics1 A OSF2FMWF10:0010:50Mohamed, Ghada
ECO 102 B Introduction to Macroeconomics1 A OSF2FTR12:3513:50Agamah, William
ECO 282 A Intermediate Macroeconomic Theory I28 A OSF2FMWF12:0012:50Franke, Oliver
ECO 341 A Money and Banking12 A OSF2FMWF10:0010:50Franke, Oliver
ED 199 E Introduction to the Profession of Teaching1 OSF2FMWF13:0013:50Giourmetakis, Brenda
ED 199 F Introduction to the Profession of TeachingFULLF2FMWF14:0014:50Coggins, Christopher
ED 199 G Introduction to the Profession of Teaching12 OSF2FMWF15:0015:50Coggins, Christopher
ED 199 H Introduction to the Profession of Teaching4 OSOnlMWF11:0011:50Giourmetakis, Brenda
EDFD321 B Children's Literature in the Elementary Classroom7 OSF2FMWF10:0010:50McConaghy, Janet
EDFD321 C Children's Literature in the Elementary ClassroomFULLF2FMWF12:0012:50Karbonik, Lyndi
EDFD341 B Concepts of Childhood in History17 OSF2FMWF14:0014:50Karbonik, Lyndi
EDFD341 D Concepts of Childhood in History29 OSF2FMWF15:0015:50Karbonik, Lyndi
EDIE 325 C Ethics of Caring and Inclusion: Introduction to Inclusive Education15 OSF2FTR15:2516:40Giourmetakis, Brenda
Prytuluk, Natalie
EDIE 326 A Inclusive Education: Addressing Challenging Behaviours in the Classroom10 OSF2FTR12:3513:50Giourmetakis, Brenda
EDPS200 D Educational Psychology for Teaching28 OSF2FTR08:0009:15Merritt, Karl
EDPS200 E Educational Psychology for Teaching12 OSF2FTR09:2510:40Merritt, Karl
EDPS200 F Educational Psychology for TeachingFULLF2FMWF11:0011:50Daniels, Jason
EDPS200 H Educational Psychology for TeachingFULLF2FMWF13:0013:50Daniels, Jason
EDPS341 B Psychology of Exceptional Children and YouthFULLF2FMWF12:0012:50Ramsankar, H. Mark
EDUC503 A Advanced Planning in the Elementary School II5 OSBldTR10:4011:55Maas, Daniel
Yost, Melissa
EDUC503 B Advanced Planning in the Elementary School II2 OSBldTR09:2010:35Maas, Daniel
Yost, Melissa
EDUC503 C Advanced Planning in the Elementary School II5 OSBldTR08:0009:15Maas, Daniel
Yost, Melissa
EDUC511 A Curriculum Design and Instructional Methods in the Elementary School11 OSF2FMWR
Akdemir, Kadriye
Chung, Simmee
Cusack, Tim
Forrest, Kara Lise
Gibbon, Kimberly
Guyot, Alexandra
Hanson, Marlene
Heffel, Irene
Prytuluk, Natalie
Ramsankar, H. Mark
Rhyason-Ferchoff, Kerry
EDUC511 B Curriculum Design and Instructional Methods in the Elementary SchoolFULLF2FMTWR
Akdemir, Kadriye
Chung, Simmee
Cusack, Tim
Forrest, Kara Lise
Gibbon, Kimberly
Guyot, Alexandra
Hanson, Marlene
Heffel, Irene
Prytuluk, Natalie
Ramsankar, H. Mark
Rhyason-Ferchoff, Kerry
EDUC511 C Curriculum Design and Instructional Methods in the Elementary School5 OSF2FMTWR
Akdemir, Kadriye
Chung, Simmee
Cusack, Tim
Forrest, Kara Lise
Gibbon, Kimberly
Guyot, Alexandra
Hanson, Marlene
Heffel, Irene
Prytuluk, Natalie
Ramsankar, H. Mark
Rhyason-Ferchoff, Kerry
EDUC521 A Literature and Literacy for Elementary School5 OSF2FTR09:2010:35Heffel, Irene
McConaghy, Janet
EDUC521 B Literature and Literacy for Elementary School2 OSF2FTR08:0009:15Heffel, Irene
McConaghy, Janet
EDUC521 C Literature and Literacy for Elementary School5 OSF2FTR10:4011:55Heffel, Irene
McConaghy, Janet
EDUC522 A Mathematics Education for Elementary School5 OSF2FMW09:2010:35Morris, Betty
EDUC522 B Mathematics Education for Elementary School2 OSF2FMW08:0009:15Morris, Betty
EDUC522 C Mathematics Education for Elementary School5 OSF2FMW10:4011:55Morris, Betty
EDUC523 A Science Education for Elementary School5 OSF2FMW08:0009:15Hula-Hetu, Kim
EDUC523 B Science Education for Elementary School2 OSF2FMW10:4011:55Hula-Hetu, Kim
EDUC523 C Science Education for Elementary School5 OSF2FMW09:2010:35Hula-Hetu, Kim
EDUC524 A Social Studies Education for Elementary School5 OSF2FTR08:0009:15MacLeod, Rachel
EDUC524 B Social Studies Education for Elementary School2 OSF2FTR10:4011:55MacLeod, Rachel
EDUC524 C Social Studies Education for Elementary School5 OSF2FTR09:2010:35MacLeod, Rachel
EDUC531 A Field Experience in the Elementary School II11 OSFld Plunkett, Novlet
EDUC531 B Field Experience in the Elementary School IIFULLFld Plunkett, Novlet
EDUC531 C Field Experience in the Elementary School II5 OSFld Plunkett, Novlet
EDUC541 A Reflections on Field Experience I & II: Inclusive Education11 OSF2FF09:0011:35Bateman, Dan
Hanson, Marlene
Monaghan, Lorne
EDUC541 B Reflections on Field Experience I & II: Inclusive EducationFULLF2FF09:0011:35Bateman, Dan
Hanson, Marlene
Monaghan, Lorne
EDUC541 C Reflections on Field Experience I & II: Inclusive Education5 OSF2FF09:0011:35Bateman, Dan
Hanson, Marlene
Monaghan, Lorne
EDUC647 A Emerging Theories of Learning8 ABldS09:0016:00Crocker, Cheryl
EDUC652 A Public Education Systems and their Historical Roots in Canada10 OSOnl Chung, Simmee
EDUC661 A Applied Research Project6 OSGRP Cusack, Tim
Daniels, Jason
ENG 101 G Literature and Composition for English Language Learners I4 A OSF2FTR09:2510:40Schamuhn Kirk, Deborah
ENG 101 L Literature and Composition for English Language Learners I3 A OSF2FMWF09:0009:50Cinar, Derya
ENG 102 E Literature and Composition for English Language Learners IIFULLF2FMWF11:0011:50Labenski, Molly
ENG 102 H Literature and Composition for English Language Learners II3 A OSF2FTR08:0009:15Palmer, Sean
ENG 111 R Literature and Composition I6 A OSF2FMWF09:0009:50Palmer, Sean
ENG 111 S Literature and Composition IFULLF2FMWF12:0012:50Palmer, Sean
ENG 111 T Literature and Composition I1 A OSF2FMWF13:0013:50Pabst, Kurt
ENG 111 U Literature and Composition I15 A OSF2FTR12:3513:50Pabst, Kurt
ENG 112 D Literature and Composition IIFULLF2FTR11:1012:25Wiebe, Reginald
ENG 112 E Literature and Composition II3 A OSF2FTR08:0009:15Sydora, Laura
ENG 112 F Literature and Composition IIFULLF2FTR09:2510:40Sydora, Laura
ENG 112 G Literature and Composition IIFULLF2FMWF11:0011:50Van Dyk, Conrad
ENG 112 H Literature and Composition IIFULLF2FMWF08:0008:50Labenski, Molly
ENG 112 J Literature and Composition IIFULLF2FMWF10:0010:50Roberts, Declan
ENG 112 M Literature and Composition II5 A OSF2FTR15:2516:40Pabst, Kurt
ENG 112 N Literature and Composition IIFULLF2FMWF14:0014:50Van Dyk, Conrad
ENG 121 A British Literature from 1800 to the PresentFULLF2FTR14:0015:15Palmer, Sean
ENG 330 A The Early English Renaissance14 A OSF2FTR12:3513:50Cook, Trevor
ENG 339 A Further Studies in Shakespeare8 A OSF2FTR11:1012:25Cook, Trevor
ENG 349 A The Eighteenth-Century British Gothic NovelFULLF2FTR15:2516:40Van Netten Blimke, Linda
ENG 354 A Victorian Poetry1 A OSF2FMWF12:0012:50Labenski, Molly
ENG 390 A Graphic Literature9 A OSF2FMWF14:0014:50Wiebe, Reginald
ENG 395 A Contemporary American Literature7 A OSF2FTR14:0015:15Sydora, Laura
ENG 399 B Classics of Children's Literature in English4 A OSF2FMWF08:0008:50Van Dyk, Conrad
ENG 409 A Special Topics in English: Deconstructing Canadian Literature2 A OSF2FTR09:2510:40Wiebe, Reginald
ENG 492 B Literary Criticism II7 A OSF2FMWF14:0014:50Kashani, Mahdi
ENSC101 C Introduction to Environmental Studies2 A OSF2FMWF14:0014:50Nyade, Praise
ENSC101 D Introduction to Environmental Studies45 A OSF2FMWF16:0016:50Nyade, Praise
ENSC204 B Environmental Science: Problems and Solutions14 A OSF2FTR09:2510:40Nyade, Praise
ENSC208 C Principles of Ecology10 A OSF2FTR08:0009:15Androschuk, Tara
ENSC208 FLLab for Principles of EcologyFULLF2FT09:2512:15Springer, Kyle
ENSC208 GLLab for Principles of Ecology3 A OSF2FT14:0016:50Pentyliuk, Natasha
ENSC208 JLLab for Principles of Ecology5 A OSF2FW09:0011:50Springer, Kyle
ENSC215 A Behavioural Ecology24 A OSF2FMWF12:0012:50Scott, Bradley
ENSC215 ALLab for Behavioural EcologyFULLF2FM09:0011:50Pentyliuk, Natasha
ENSC215 BLLab for Behavioural Ecology7 A OSF2FM14:0016:50Pentyliuk, Natasha
ENSC223 A Environmental Hydrogeology36 A OSF2FMWF11:0011:50Mapfumo, Emmanuel
ENSC223 ALLab for Environmental Hydrogeology3 A OSF2FM14:0016:50Thomas, Alison
ENSC250 A Survey of the Invertebrates33 A OSF2FTR11:1012:25Chen, Xin
ENSC250 ALLab for Survey of the Invertebrates7 A OSF2FM09:0011:50Springer, Kyle
ENSC250 BLLab for Survey of the Invertebrates9 A OSF2FM14:0016:50Springer, Kyle
ENSC265 A General Microbiology19 A OSF2FMWF13:0013:50Soliman, Amro
ENSC265 ALLab for General Microbiology10 A OSF2FM09:0011:50Price, Glynis
ENSC265 BLLab for General Microbiology4 A OSF2FM14:0016:50Price, Glynis
ENSC265 CLLab for General Microbiology4 A OSF2FT09:2512:15Price, Glynis
ENSC270 A Introduction to GIS and the Digital EarthFULLF2FT08:2509:15Ishutov, Sergey
Thomas, Alison
ENSC270 ALLab for Introduction to GIS and the Digital EarthFULLF2FR08:2510:15Ishutov, Sergey
Thomas, Alison
ENSC308 A Population and Community Ecology20 A OSF2FMWF15:0015:50Nyade, Praise
ENSC308 ALLab for Population and Community Ecology7 A OSF2FT14:0016:50Nyade, Praise
ENSC308 BLLab for Population and Community Ecology13 A OSF2FR14:0016:50Nyade, Praise
ENSC335 B Work Experience29 A OSF2F Chen, Xin
Mapfumo, Emmanuel
ENSC339 B Conservation Biology4 A OSF2FMWF14:0014:50Bieraugle, Megan
ENSC350 B Environmental Toxicology23 A OSF2FTR11:1012:25Ramirez-Duarte, Wilson
ENSC350 CLLab for Environmental Toxicology5 A OSF2FF09:0011:50Bailey, Sophon
ENSC350 DLLab for Environmental ToxicologyFULLF2FR14:0016:50Bailey, Sophon
ENSC373 A Environmental Assessment19 A OSF2FMWF10:0010:50
ENSC373 ALLab for Environmental Assessment25 A OSF2FT12:3513:50
ENSC415 A Risk AssessmentFULLF2FMWF09:0009:50Ramirez-Duarte, Wilson
ENSC455 B Independent Study14 A OSF2F Chen, Xin
Ishutov, Sergey
Mapfumo, Emmanuel
ENSC485 C Advanced Research MethodsFULLF2FTR14:0015:15Chen, Xin
Scott, Bradley
Walsh, John
ENSC485 D Advanced Research Methods1 A OSF2FTR15:2516:40Chen, Xin
Scott, Bradley
Walsh, John
ENSC495 A Independent Research II14 A OSURP Chen, Xin
ENSC495 B Independent Research II15 A OSURP Mapfumo, Emmanuel
ENVH502 A Environmental Management II5 OSF2FM09:0011:50Dabiri-Olabisi, Ruqayah
Elliott, Jon
ENVH502 B Environmental Management II7 A OSF2FM13:0015:50Bukutu, Cecilia
Elliott, Jon
Pankewich, Douglas
ENVH503 A Environmental Management III5 OSF2FW13:0015:50Barber, Darren
Bukutu, Cecilia
Elliott, Jon
ENVH503 B Environmental Management III6 OSF2FW09:0011:50Barber, Darren
Bukutu, Cecilia
Elliott, Jon
ENVH522 ALLab for Methodologies in Environmental Health Practice II5 OSF2FM13:0015:50Beliveau, Marie
Bukutu, Cecilia
ENVH522 BLLab for Methodologies in Environmental Health Practice II8 OSF2FM09:0011:50Beliveau, Marie
Bukutu, Cecilia
ENVH522 C Methodologies in Environmental Health Practice II16 OSF2FT14:0016:50Beliveau, Marie
Bukutu, Cecilia
Jeroncic, Kevin
ENVH551 A Communicable Disease Control7 OSF2FR13:0015:50Bukutu, Cecilia
ENVH551 B Communicable Disease Control5 OSF2FR09:0011:50Bukutu, Cecilia
ENVH559 A Core Competency III - Communications7 OSF2FR09:0011:50Bukutu, Cecilia
Sidra, Michael
ENVH559 B Core Competency III - Communications6 OSF2FR13:0015:50Bukutu, Cecilia
Sidra, Michael
ENVH601 A Environmental Management I10 OSF2FT09:0011:50Dabiri-Olabisi, Ruqayah
ENVH622 ALLab for Environmental Health Practice IIFULLF2FW09:0011:50Beliveau, Marie
Bukutu, Cecilia
ENVH622 BLLab for Environmental Health Practice II11 OSF2FW13:0015:50Beliveau, Marie
Bukutu, Cecilia
ENVH622 C Environmental Health Practice II16 OSF2FT14:0016:50Beliveau, Marie
Bukutu, Cecilia
Jeroncic, Kevin
FGS 600 B Graduate Ethics Training (GET) Course191 A OSOnl Craveiro Salvado, Carla
FIN 201 B Corporate Finance16 A OSF2FT
O'Coin, Dwayne
FIN 201 BSSeminar for Corporate Finance16 A OSF2FR10:1011:00O'Coin, Dwayne
FIN 220 A Personal Finance15 A OSF2FTR14:0015:15O'Coin, Dwayne
FIN 320 A Investment Management15 A OSF2FR18:0020:50Alex, Rex
FIN 325 B Managerial Finance21 A OSF2FMWF09:0009:50O'Coin, Dwayne
FIN 420 A International Business Finance11 A OSF2FT18:0020:50Oyeniyi, Tosin
FR 101 H Beginners' French I5 A OSF2FMW
Casajus, Michael
FR 101 K Beginners' French I4 A OSF2FMW
Ben Lazreg, Houssem
FR 102 C Beginners' French IIFULLF2FMW
Casajus, Michael
FR 102 D Beginners' French II12 A OSF2FMW
Gibrilla, Ayuuba
FR 102 E Beginners' French II6 A OSF2FMW
Guyot, Alexandra
FR 102 F Beginners' French II13 A OSF2FMW
Gibrilla, Ayuuba
FR 212 A Intermediate French II6 A OSF2FMW
Guyot, Alexandra
FR 252 A Advanced French II14 A OSF2FMTWR13:0013:50Casajus, Michael
FR 305 A Introduction to FSL Pedagogy12 A OSF2FMWF09:0009:50Guyot, Alexandra
FR 375 A French Linguistics13 A OSF2FMWF12:0012:50Guyot, Adrien
FR 380 A Contemporary French and Francophone Culture: Texts, Films and Sounds27 A OSF2FMWF15:0015:50Guyot, Adrien
FR 390 A Introduction to Children's Literature in French16 A OSF2FMWF10:0010:50Guyot, Adrien
FR 494 A Advanced French Literary Studies16 A OSF2FMWF10:0010:50Guyot, Adrien
FSC 101 A Forensic Science IFULLF2FMWF09:0009:50
FSC 101 B Forensic Science IFULLF2FMWF10:0010:50
GRK 102 A Introductory Classical Greek II14 A OSF2FMWF14:0014:50Miller, Ian
HIS 111 B The Early Modern World17 A OSF2FTR09:2510:40Kasinec, Wendy
HIS 112 B The Modern World9 A OSF2FMWF10:0010:50Taki, Victor
HIS 206 B History of Christianity29 A OSF2FMWF09:0009:50Maxfield, John
HIS 213 A The Sixteenth Century25 A OSF2FTR11:1012:25Maxfield, John
HIS 261 A Canadian History 1867-Present7 A OSF2FMWF11:0011:50Kasinec, Wendy
HIS 304 A World Wars, 1914 - 1945 2 A OSF2FMWF13:0013:50Taki, Victor
HIS 333 A Europe in the Age of Totalitarianism12 A OSF2FMWF14:0014:50Taki, Victor
HIS 355 I The History of Science from the Scientific Revolution to the Present DayFULLInd Kasinec, Wendy
HIS 368 A Indigenous Peoples and Canada to 186719 A OSF2FTR11:1012:25Bradford, Tolly
HIS 410 A The Craft of HistoryFULLF2FT12:3515:15Bradford, Tolly
HRM 220 C Introduction to Human Resource Management15 A OSF2FTR11:1012:25Coker-Farrell, Elizabeth
HRM 310 A Supervision and Conflict Management11 A OSF2FMWF08:0008:50
HRM 323 A Current Issues in Human Resource Management17 A OSF2FTR14:0015:15Coker-Farrell, Elizabeth
HRM 327 A Organizational Learning, Training, and Development15 A OSF2FMWF15:0015:50
HRM 424 A Comparative Industrial Relations11 A OSF2FTR08:0009:15Coker-Farrell, Elizabeth
INDG 100 C Introduction to Indigenous Studies1 A OSF2FMWF09:0009:50
INDG 111 C Contemporary Perspectives on Indigenous CanadaFULLF2FMWF10:0010:50
INDG 290 B Indigenous Ways of Knowing27 A OSF2FMWF14:0014:50Ball, Tanya
INDG 330 A Indigenous Law and Governance27 A OSF2FTR14:0015:15Ball, Tanya
INDG 391 A Indigenous Engagement and Collaboration21 A OSF2FR18:0020:50Pascal, Kyla
ISAM522 A Information Systems Audit IIFULLF2FW14:0016:50Swar, Bobby
ISAM542 A Forensic Accounting and Fraud ExaminationFULLF2FW11:0013:50Aghili, Shaun
ISSM505 A System and Virtualization SecurityFULLF2FT11:0013:50Desforges, Benoit
ISSM505 B System and Virtualization Security16 A OSF2FR08:0010:50Desforges, Benoit
ISSM533 A Cryptology and Secure Network CommunicationsFULLF2FM11:0013:50AbdAllah, Eslam
ISSM533 B Cryptology and Secure Network Communications18 A OSF2FT17:0019:50Mangla, Cherry
ISSM536 D Incident Response and Digital Forensics1 A OSIndW11:0013:50Desforges, Benoit
ISSM538 A Research Methods & CommunicationsFULLF2FR11:0013:50Mangla, Cherry
ISSM538 B Research Methods & CommunicationsFULLF2FF08:0010:50Lindskog, Dale
ISSM538 C Research Methods & Communications4 OSF2FM17:0019:50Thompson, Shawn
ISSM538 D Research Methods & Communications6 OSF2FR17:0019:50Mangla, Cherry
ISSM576 A Capstone II7 OSF2FTR11:0013:50Aghili, Shaun
ISSM576 B Capstone II1 OSF2FMF11:0013:50Lindskog, Dale
ISSM576 C Capstone II4 OSF2FTR14:0016:50Swar, Bobby
ISSM576 D Capstone IIFULLF2FMF14:0016:50AbdAllah, Eslam
IT 101 C Introduction to Information Technology29 A OSF2FMW12:0012:50Chauhan, Apoorva
IT 101 ESSeminar for Introduction to Information Technology22 A OSF2FF13:0013:50Dahal, Samip
IT 101 FSSeminar for Introduction to Information Technology1 A OSF2FF12:0012:50Dahal, Samip
IT 110 B Computer Systems and Platforms43 A OSF2FTR15:2516:40Cheruiyot, Victor
IT 110 ELLab for Computer Systems and Platforms16 A OSF2FF08:0009:15Dahal, Samip
IT 110 FLLab for Computer Systems and Platforms15 A OSF2FF09:2510:40Dahal, Samip
IT 110 Z Computer Systems and PlatformsN/AF2FW16:0018:05Beaudoin, Gerald
Additional information:
Dual-credit with Mother Margaret Mary High School. From February 5 - June 4, 2025.
Classes run from:
2025-02-05 to 2025-06-04
Deadline to add/drop:
2025-02-12 12:00:00
Last day to withdraw:
IT 110 ZLLab for Computer Systems and PlatformsN/AF2FW18:1519:15Beaudoin, Gerald
Additional information:
Dual-credit with Mother Margaret Mary High School. From February 5 - June 4, 2025.
Classes run from:
2025-02-05 to 2025-06-04
Deadline to add/drop:
2025-02-12 12:00:00
Last day to withdraw:
IT 201 B Information Security5 A OSF2FMW09:2510:40Islam, Md Saiful
IT 202 A Web Design16 A OSF2FTR12:3513:50Wagh, Dhara
IT 202 ALLab for Web Design1 A OSF2FT15:2516:40Tymchyshyn, Ed
IT 202 BLLab for Web DesignFULLF2FR15:2516:40Tymchyshyn, Ed
IT 202 CLLab for Web Design15 A OSF2FW14:0015:15Tymchyshyn, Ed
IT 210 A Operating Systems29 A OSF2FTR14:0015:15Wagh, Dhara
IT 210 ALLab for Operating Systems1 A OSF2FM14:0015:15Tymchyshyn, Ed
IT 210 BLLab for Operating Systems4 A OSF2FM15:2516:40Tymchyshyn, Ed
IT 213 A NetworkingFULLF2FTR11:1012:25Abdullah, Wali Mohammad
IT 213 ALLab for NetworkingFULLF2FF11:1012:25
IT 213 BLLab for NetworkingFULLF2FF12:3513:50
IT 301 A Digital Media7 A OSF2FTR11:1012:25
IT 301 ALLab for Digital Media16 A OSF2FT14:0015:15
IT 302 A Database Systems11 A OSF2FMW09:3510:50Chauhan, Apoorva
IT 302 ALLab for Database Systems11 A OSF2FT08:0009:15Tymchyshyn, Ed
IT 331 A Advanced Cybersecurity16 A OSF2FMW08:0009:15Islam, Md Saiful
IT 331 ALLab for Advanced Cybersecurity3 A OSF2FM11:1012:25Islam, Md Saiful
IT 331 BLLab for Advanced Cybersecurity13 A OSF2FM12:3513:50Islam, Md Saiful
IT 450 A IT Work Experience19 A OSFldW15:0015:50Marinova, Rossitza
Classes run from:
2025-01-08 to 2025-08-22
Deadline to add/drop:
2025-01-15 12:00:00
Last day to withdraw:
IT 451 B Senior Project Capstone I19 A OSF2FM13:0014:15Marinova, Rossitza
IT 452 G Senior Project Capstone II4 A OSURP Hajari, Nasim
IT 452 H Senior Project Capstone IIFULLURP Chauhan, Apoorva
IT 452 J Senior Project Capstone IIFULLURP Islam, Md Morshedul
IT 452 L Senior Project Capstone IIFULLURP Abdullah, Wali Mohammad
IT 460 B IT Seminar2 A OSF2FW13:0013:50Abdullah, Wali Mohammad
IT 505 A IT Project Management7 A OSF2FTR11:1012:25Kaur, Baljeet
IT 506 A Information Systems Analysis and Design7 A OSF2FTR12:3513:50Hajari, Nasim
IT 571 A Research Methods for IT Professionals5 A OSF2FW13:0013:50Marinova, Rossitza
IT 571 ASSeminar for Research Methods for IT Professionals5 A OSF2FW14:0014:50Marinova, Rossitza
IT 572 A Emerging Information Technologies7 A OSF2FW11:0011:50Hajari, Nasim
IT 572 ASSeminar for Emerging Information Technologies7 A OSF2FW12:0012:50Hajari, Nasim
IT 596 A Fundamentals of Big Data: Tools and Algorithms1 A OSF2FTR14:0015:15Kaur, Baljeet
IT 597 A Fundamentals of Computer Vision19 A OSF2FTR09:2510:40Hajari, Nasim
LDR 301 B Foundations of Leadership7 A OSF2FTR08:0009:15Ejaz, Abdullah
LDR 301 C Foundations of Leadership16 A OSF2FTR15:2516:40Bohaichuk, Sue
LDR 320 A Organizational Leadership11 A OSF2FMW15:2516:40Ejaz, Abdullah
LDR 402 B Global Strategic Leadership16 A OSF2FTR08:0009:15Oluwi, Victor
LDR 420 A Leadership Psychology19 A OSF2FMWF11:0011:50Oluwi, Victor
MARK201 B Introduction to Marketing10 A OSF2FMWF11:0011:50Sukhankin, Sergey
MARK223 B Marketing Research9 A OSF2FMWF12:0012:50Sukhankin, Sergey
MARK320 A Advertising and Promotion10 A OSF2FMWF11:0011:50Vane, D'Arcy
MARK420 A International Marketing10 A OSF2FMW08:0009:15Sapelnikova, Svetlana
MAT 102 A Mathematical Motif17 A OSF2FMWF11:0011:50Thanarajah, Silogini
MAT 102 ALLab for Mathematical Motif11 A OSF2FW15:0016:15Thanarajah, Silogini
MAT 110 C Pre-Calculus33 A OSF2FMWF08:0008:50Voronkov, Igor
MAT 110 DLLab for Pre-Calculus3 A OSF2FT12:3513:50Zlatev, Boyko
MAT 114 C Elementary Calculus I16 A OSF2FMWF11:0011:50Voronkov, Igor
MAT 114 DLLab for Elementary Calculus I14 A OSF2FT08:0009:15Zlatev, Boyko
MAT 114 ELLab for Elementary Calculus I2 A OSF2FT09:2510:40Zlatev, Boyko
MAT 115 B Elementary Calculus II15 A OSF2FMWF12:0012:50Thanarajah, Silogini
MAT 120 B Linear Algebra I26 A OSF2FMWF10:0010:50Voronkov, Igor
MAT 120 CLLab for Linear Algebra I15 A OSF2FR08:0009:15Zlatev, Boyko
MAT 120 DLLab for Linear Algebra I11 A OSF2FR09:2510:40Zlatev, Boyko
MAT 151 C Introduction to Statistical Methods40 A OSF2FMWF09:0009:50Thanarajah, Silogini
MAT 151 D Introduction to Statistical Methods22 A OSF2FMWF14:0014:50Thanarajah, Silogini
MAT 151 GLLab for Introduction to Statistical Methods5 A OSF2FT09:2510:40Tymchyshyn, Ed
MAT 151 HLLab for Introduction to Statistical Methods15 A OSF2FT14:0015:15Zlatev, Boyko
MAT 151 JLLab for Introduction to Statistical Methods16 A OSF2FR09:2510:40Tymchyshyn, Ed
MAT 151 KLLab for Introduction to Statistical Methods1 A OSF2FR11:1012:25Zlatev, Boyko
MAT 151 LLLab for Introduction to Statistical Methods6 A OSF2FR12:3513:50Zlatev, Boyko
MAT 151 MLLab for Introduction to Statistical Methods19 A OSF2FR14:0015:15Zlatev, Boyko
MAT 200 C Foundations of Mathematics12 A OSF2FTR11:1012:25Zhang, Kaylee
MAT 215 A Intermediate Calculus II31 A OSF2FMWF13:0013:50Kavi, Lord
MAT 224 A Linear Algebra II27 A OSF2FTR14:0015:15Zhang, Kaylee
MAT 331 A Introduction to Differential Equations32 A OSF2FTR15:2516:40Kavi, Lord
MAT 400 RM Thesis in Mathematics4 OSURP Marinova, Rossitza
Classes run from:
2024-08-30 to 2025-04-17
Deadline to add/drop:
2024-09-06 12:00:00
Last day to withdraw:
MAT 410 D Thesis in Mathematics I30 A OSURP Marinova, Rossitza
MAT 410 E Thesis in Mathematics I30 A OSURP Kavi, Lord
MAT 410 F Thesis in Mathematics I29 A OSURP Zhang, Kaylee
MAT 411 A Thesis in Mathematics II29 A OSURP Marinova, Rossitza
MAT 411 B Thesis in Mathematics II30 A OSURP
MAT 411 C Thesis in Mathematics II30 A OSURP
MAT 421 A Introduction to Combinatorics22 A OSF2FTR09:2510:40Zhang, Kaylee
MGT 300 B Foundations of Leadership7 A OSF2FTR08:0009:15Ejaz, Abdullah
MGT 300 C Foundations of Leadership16 A OSF2FTR15:2516:40Bohaichuk, Sue
MGT 323 A Business and Society13 A OSF2FMWF13:0013:50Thomas, Ashish
MGT 327 A Small Business Management7 A OSF2FMWF14:0014:50Ejaz, Abdullah
MGT 402 B Global Strategic Leadership16 A OSF2FTR08:0009:15Oluwi, Victor
MGT 410 A International Business: Factors and Influences10 A OSF2FMWF12:0012:50Oluwi, Victor
MGT 417 B Principles of Strategic Management27 A OSF2FTR09:2510:40Thomas, Ashish
MGT 440 B Consulting8 OSF2FT14:0016:50Thompson, Shawn
MGT 474 B Business Ethics: Concepts and Cases12 A OSF2FTR12:3513:50Thomas, Ashish
MGT 498 X Internship23 OSWILM17:0020:00Oyeniyi, Tosin
Classes run from:
2025-01-08 to 2025-08-08
Last day to withdraw:
MSEM B Music Seminar11 A OSF2FM16:0016:50Crutchley, Ian
Kerley, Jolaine
MUP 112 B Class Piano22 A OSF2FTR12:3513:25Liao, Ping-Shan
MUPB 122 B Applied Music - Brass Instruments (Novice Level or Secondary Area)24 A OSF2F Kerley, Jolaine
MUPB 126 B Applied Music - Brass Instruments (Primary Area)25 A OSF2F Kerley, Jolaine
MUPB 222 B Applied Music - Brass Instruments (Novice Level or Secondary Area)20 A OSF2F Kerley, Jolaine
MUPB 226 B Applied Music - Brass Instruments (Primary Area)20 A OSF2F Kerley, Jolaine
MUPB 322 B Applied Music - Brass Instruments (Novice Level or Secondary Area)20 A OSF2F Kerley, Jolaine
MUPB 326 B Applied Music - Brass Instruments (Primary Area)20 A OSF2F Kerley, Jolaine
MUPB 422 B Applied Music - Brass Instruments (Novice Level or Secondary Area)15 A OSF2F Kerley, Jolaine
MUPB 426 B Applied Music - Brass Instruments (Primary Area)15 A OSF2F Kerley, Jolaine
MUPB 495 B Recital Preparation in Applied Music - Brass20 A OSF2F Kerley, Jolaine
MUPB 496 B Recital Preparation in Applied Music - Brass20 A OSF2F Kerley, Jolaine
MUPE 142 B Choral Ensemble (Concert Choir)3 A OSF2FMWF12:3513:50Brough, John
MUPE 162 B Chamber Music Ensemble23 A OSF2F Ho, Frank
MUPE 166 B Symphony Orchestra23 A OSWILW19:0021:50Dundjerski, Petar
MUPE 168 B Concert Band/Wind Ensemble24 A OSWIL Kerley, Jolaine
MUPE 242 B Choral Ensemble (Concert Choir)3 A OSF2FMWF12:3513:50Brough, John
MUPE 262 B Chamber Music Ensemble23 A OSF2F Ho, Frank
MUPE 266 B Symphony Orchestra23 A OSWILW19:0021:50Dundjerski, Petar
MUPE 268 B Concert Band/Wind Ensemble19 A OSWIL Kerley, Jolaine
MUPG 122 B Applied Music - Guitar (Novice Level or Secondary Area)18 A OSF2F Kerley, Jolaine
Sanders, Trevor
MUPG 126 B Applied Music - Guitar (Primary Area)24 A OSF2F Kerley, Jolaine
Sanders, Trevor
MUPG 222 B Applied Music - Guitar (Novice Level or Secondary Area)18 A OSF2F Kerley, Jolaine
Sanders, Trevor
MUPG 226 B Applied Music - Guitar (Primary Area)19 A OSF2F Kerley, Jolaine
Sanders, Trevor
MUPG 322 B Applied Music - Guitar (Novice Level or Secondary Area)20 A OSF2F Kerley, Jolaine
Sanders, Trevor
MUPG 326 B Applied Music - Guitar (Primary Area)20 A OSF2F Kerley, Jolaine
Sanders, Trevor
MUPG 422 B Applied Music - Guitar (Novice Level or Secondary Area)15 A OSF2F Kerley, Jolaine
Sanders, Trevor
MUPG 426 B Applied Music - Guitar (Primary Area)15 A OSF2F Kerley, Jolaine
Sanders, Trevor
MUPG 495 B Recital Preparation in Applied Music - Guitar20 A OSF2F Kerley, Jolaine
MUPG 496 B Recital Preparation in Applied Music - Guitar20 A OSF2F Kerley, Jolaine
MUPK 122 B Applied Music - Keyboard (Novice Level or Secondary Area)17 A OSF2F Kerley, Jolaine
Liao, Ping-Shan
MUPK 126 B Applied Music - Keyboard (Primary Area)25 A OSF2F Kerley, Jolaine
Liao, Ping-Shan
MUPK 222 B Applied Music - Keyboard (Novice Level or Secondary Area)17 A OSF2F Kerley, Jolaine
Liao, Ping-Shan
MUPK 222 C Applied Music - Keyboard (Novice Level or Secondary Area)19 A OSF2F Mortensen, Tammy-Jo
MUPK 226 B Applied Music - Keyboard (Primary Area)20 A OSF2F Kerley, Jolaine
Liao, Ping-Shan
MUPK 322 B Applied Music - Keyboard (Novice Level or Secondary Area)19 A OSF2F Kerley, Jolaine
Liao, Ping-Shan
MUPK 326 B Applied Music - Keyboard (Primary Area)20 A OSF2F Kerley, Jolaine
Liao, Ping-Shan
MUPK 422 B Applied Music - Keyboard (Novice Level or Secondary Area)15 A OSF2F Kerley, Jolaine
Liao, Ping-Shan
MUPK 426 B Applied Music - Keyboard (Primary Area)15 A OSF2F Kerley, Jolaine
Liao, Ping-Shan
MUPK 495 B Recital Preparation in Applied Music - Keyboard20 A OSF2F Kerley, Jolaine
Liao, Ping-Shan
MUPK 496 B Recital Preparation in Applied Music - Keyboard19 A OSF2F Kerley, Jolaine
Liao, Ping-Shan
MUPP 122 B Applied Music - Percussion (Novice Level or Secondary Area)25 A OSF2F Kerley, Jolaine
MUPP 126 B Applied Music - Percussion (Primary Area)24 A OSF2F Kryger, Jacob
MUPP 222 B Applied Music - Percussion (Novice Level or Secondary Area)20 A OSF2F Kerley, Jolaine
MUPP 226 B Applied Music - Percussion (Primary Area)20 A OSF2F Kerley, Jolaine
MUPP 322 B Applied Music - Percussion (Novice Level or Secondary Area)20 A OSF2F Kerley, Jolaine
MUPP 326 B Applied Music - Percussion (Primary Area)20 A OSF2F Kerley, Jolaine
MUPP 422 B Applied Music - Percussion (Novice Level or Secondary Area)15 A OSF2F Kerley, Jolaine
MUPP 426 B Applied Music - Percussion (Primary Area)15 A OSF2F Kerley, Jolaine
MUPP 495 B Recital Preparation in Applied Music - Percussion20 A OSF2F Kerley, Jolaine
MUPP 496 B Recital Preparation in Applied Music - Percussion20 A OSF2F Kerley, Jolaine
MUPS 122 B Applied Music - Strings (Novice Level or Secondary Area)25 A OSF2F Kerley, Jolaine
MUPS 126 B Applied Music - Strings (Primary Area)24 A OSF2F Ho, Frank
Kerley, Jolaine
MUPS 222 B Applied Music - Strings (Novice Level or Secondary Area)20 A OSF2F Kerley, Jolaine
MUPS 226 B Applied Music - Strings (Primary Area)20 A OSF2F Kerley, Jolaine
MUPS 322 B Applied Music - Strings (Novice Level or Secondary Area)20 A OSF2F Kerley, Jolaine
MUPS 326 B Applied Music - Strings (Primary Area)20 A OSF2F Kerley, Jolaine
MUPS 422 B Applied Music - Strings (Novice Level or Secondary Area)15 A OSF2F Kerley, Jolaine
MUPS 426 B Applied Music - Strings (Primary Area)14 A OSF2F Ho, Frank
MUPS 495 B Recital Preparation in Applied Music - Strings20 A OSF2F Kerley, Jolaine
MUPS 496 B Recital Preparation in Applied Music - Strings20 A OSF2F Kerley, Jolaine
MUPV 122 B Applied Music - Voice (Novice Level or Secondary Area)13 A OSF2F Bannerman, Ian
Kerley, Jolaine
McCormack, Mairi-Irene
MUPV 126 B Applied Music - Voice (Primary Area)18 A OSF2F Bannerman, Ian
Kerley, Jolaine
McCormack, Mairi-Irene
MUPV 222 B Applied Music - Voice (Novice Level or Secondary Area)17 A OSF2F Bannerman, Ian
Kerley, Jolaine
McCormack, Mairi-Irene
MUPV 226 B Applied Music - Voice (Primary Area)19 A OSF2F Bannerman, Ian
Kerley, Jolaine
McCormack, Mairi-Irene
MUPV 322 B Applied Music - Voice (Novice Level or Secondary Area)19 A OSF2F Bannerman, Ian
Kerley, Jolaine
McCormack, Mairi-Irene
MUPV 326 B Applied Music - Voice (Primary Area)19 A OSF2F Bannerman, Ian
Kerley, Jolaine
McCormack, Mairi-Irene
MUPV 422 B Applied Music - Voice (Novice Level or Secondary Area)15 A OSF2F Kerley, Jolaine
McCormack, Mairi-Irene
MUPV 426 B Applied Music - Voice (Primary Area)11 A OSF2F Kerley, Jolaine
McCormack, Mairi-Irene
MUPV 495 B Recital Preparation in Applied Music - Voice20 A OSF2F Kerley, Jolaine
McCormack, Mairi-Irene
MUPV 496 B Recital Preparation in Applied Music - Voice20 A OSF2F Kerley, Jolaine
McCormack, Mairi-Irene
MUPW 122 B Applied Music - Winds (Novice Level or Secondary Area)24 A OSF2F Schoen, Kathleen
MUPW 126 B Applied Music - Winds (Primary Area)25 A OSF2F Kerley, Jolaine
MUPW 222 B Applied Music - Winds (Novice Level or Secondary Area)19 A OSF2F Kerley, Jolaine
MUPW 226 B Applied Music - Winds (Primary Area)19 A OSF2F Whittier, Ben
MUPW 322 B Applied Music - Winds (Novice Level or Secondary Area)20 A OSF2F Kerley, Jolaine
MUPW 326 B Applied Music - Winds (Primary Area)19 A OSF2F Whittier, Ben
MUPW 422 B Applied Music - Winds (Novice Level or Secondary Area)15 A OSF2F Kerley, Jolaine
MUPW 426 B Applied Music - Winds (Primary Area)15 A OSF2F Kerley, Jolaine
MUPW 495 B Recital Preparation in Applied Music - Winds20 A OSF2F Kerley, Jolaine
MUPW 496 B Recital Preparation in Applied Music - Winds20 A OSF2F Kerley, Jolaine
MUS 103 A Introduction to Popular Music22 A OSF2FMWF10:0010:50Meyers-Riczu, Jamie
MUS 120 A Advanced Rudiments of Music29 A OSF2FMWF08:0008:50Whittier, Ben
MUS 214 A Aural and Keyboard Skills II13 A OSF2FMWF09:0009:50Whittier, Ben
MUS 282 A History of Western Music: Classical to Present25 A OSF2FMWF14:0014:50Meyers-Riczu, Jamie
MUS 315 A Arranging16 A OSF2FTR14:0015:15Crutchley, Ian
MUS 336 A Vocal Pedagogy Practicum17 A OSWIL Kerley, Jolaine
MUS 362 A Vocal Diction13 A OSF2FTR11:1012:25McCormack, Mairi-Irene
MUS 380 I Vocal LiteratureFULLInd McCormack, Mairi-Irene
Classes run from:
2025-01-08 to 2025-04-17
Deadline to add/drop:
2025-01-15 12:00:00
Last day to withdraw:
MUS 490 A Topics in Music10 A OSF2FTR09:2510:40Crutchley, Ian
MUS 496 A Senior Music Project19 A OSInd Crutchley, Ian
Kerley, Jolaine
MUS212 A Music Theory II30 A OSF2FMWF11:0011:50Crutchley, Ian
PACT111 D Basketball3 OSF2FMWF09:0009:50Arbuckle, Tracey
PACT131 B Badminton2 OSF2FTR08:0009:15Monaghan, Lorne
PACT137 B VolleyballFULLF2FTR09:2510:40Monaghan, Lorne
PACT240 D Cooperative Games in Physical EducationFULLF2FTR14:0015:15Tharle-Oluk, Robin
PAT 111 A Intercollegiate Basketball21 OSF2F Finlayson, Don
Mrak, Joel
Valpreda, Robbie
Classes run from:
2024-08-30 to 2025-04-17
Deadline to add/drop:
2024-09-06 12:00:00
Last day to withdraw:
PAT 118 A Intercollegiate Soccer25 OSF2F Mrak, Joel
Silva, Thiago
Sobh, Gadeer
Classes run from:
2024-08-30 to 2025-04-17
Deadline to add/drop:
2024-09-06 12:00:00
Last day to withdraw:
PAT 131 A Intercollegiate Badminton24 OSF2F Mrak, Joel
Stewart, Alexander
Classes run from:
2024-08-30 to 2025-04-17
Deadline to add/drop:
2024-09-06 12:00:00
Last day to withdraw:
PAT 138 A Intercollegiate Volleyball21 A OSF2F Buchberger, Kerrie
Lanctot, Braden
Mrak, Joel
Classes run from:
2024-08-30 to 2025-04-17
Deadline to add/drop:
2024-09-06 12:00:00
Last day to withdraw:
PAT 147 A Intercollegiate Ice Hockey18 OSF2F Mrak, Joel
Ohlhauser, Rod
Classes run from:
2024-08-30 to 2025-04-17
Deadline to add/drop:
2024-09-06 12:00:00
Last day to withdraw:
PAT 148 A Intercollegiate Cross Country Running20 OSF2F Mrak, Joel
Norminton, Matthew
Classes run from:
2024-08-30 to 2025-04-17
Deadline to add/drop:
2024-09-06 12:00:00
Last day to withdraw:
PAT 211 A Intercollegiate Basketball22 OSF2F Mrak, Joel
Classes run from:
2024-08-30 to 2025-04-17
Deadline to add/drop:
2024-09-06 12:00:00
Last day to withdraw:
PAT 218 A Intercollegiate Soccer24 OSF2F Mrak, Joel
Classes run from:
2024-08-30 to 2025-04-17
Deadline to add/drop:
2024-09-06 12:00:00
Last day to withdraw:
PAT 231 A Intercollegiate Badminton25 OSF2F Mrak, Joel
Classes run from:
2024-08-30 to 2025-04-17
Deadline to add/drop:
2024-09-06 12:00:00
Last day to withdraw:
PAT 238 A Intercollegiate Volleyball23 OSF2F Mrak, Joel
Classes run from:
2024-08-30 to 2025-04-17
Deadline to add/drop:
2024-09-06 12:00:00
Last day to withdraw:
PAT 247 A Intercollegiate Ice Hockey22 OSF2F Mrak, Joel
Classes run from:
2024-08-30 to 2025-04-17
Deadline to add/drop:
2024-09-06 12:00:00
Last day to withdraw:
PAT 248 A Intercollegiate Cross Country Running25 OSF2F Norminton, Matthew
Classes run from:
2024-08-30 to 2025-04-17
Deadline to add/drop:
2024-09-06 12:00:00
Last day to withdraw:
PESS 101 E Introduction to Physical Education, Health, and Wellness12 OSF2FMWF14:0014:50Tharle-Oluk, Robin
PESS 101 F Introduction to Physical Education, Health, and Wellness22 OSF2FMWF15:0015:50Tharle-Oluk, Robin
PESS 101 G Introduction to Physical Education, Health, and Wellness13 OSF2FTR08:0009:15Peters, Jen
PESS 101 H Introduction to Physical Education, Health, and WellnessFULLF2FTR09:2510:40Peters, Jen
PESS 201 B Human Growth and Motor Development Across the Lifespan7 OSF2FMWF13:0013:50Tharle-Oluk, Robin
PESS 231 B Leisure and Recreation in Contemporary Canada25 OSF2FTR11:1012:25Atchison, Bobbi-Jo
PESS 245 B Introduction to Coaching3 OSF2FTR14:0015:15Mrak, Joel
PESS 293 D Introduction to the Movement Activities of Children Aged 5-12FULLF2FMWF10:0010:50Buchberger, Kerrie
PESS 293 F Introduction to the Movement Activities of Children Aged 5-12FULLF2FMWF11:0011:50Buchberger, Kerrie
PESS 301 B Foundations of Human Movement20 OSF2FTR12:3513:50Peters, Jen
PESS 345 B Introduction to Sports Management18 OSF2FMWF09:0009:50MacLellan, Nathaniel
PHIL101 D Introduction to Ethics4 A OSF2FMWF09:0009:50Pourmokhtari, Navid
PHIL101 E Introduction to EthicsFULLF2FMWF10:0010:50Dumsday, Travis
PHIL101 F Introduction to EthicsFULLF2FMWF11:0011:50Dumsday, Travis
PHIL102 C Introduction to Philosophy1 A OSBldT11:1012:25Strand, Jonathan
Additional information:
This course will meet in person on Tuesdays for discussion and assistance. Otherwise, it will be asynchronously online. Exams will be written in person.
PHIL102 D Introduction to Philosophy1 A OSF2FTR09:2510:40Labron, Tim
PHIL125 B Introduction to Logic11 A OSBldR11:1012:25Strand, Jonathan
Additional information:
This course will meet in person on Thursdays for assistance. Otherwise, it will be asynchronously online. Exams will be written in person.
PHIL201 D Introduction to Ethics4 A OSF2FMWF09:0009:50Pourmokhtari, Navid
PHIL201 E Introduction to EthicsFULLF2FMWF10:0010:50Dumsday, Travis
PHIL201 F Introduction to EthicsFULLF2FMWF11:0011:50Dumsday, Travis
PHIL202 C Introduction to Philosophy1 A OSBldT11:1012:25Strand, Jonathan
Additional information:
This course will meet in person on Tuesdays for discussion and assistance. Otherwise, it will be asynchronously online. Exams will be written in person.
PHIL202 D Introduction to Philosophy1 A OSF2FTR09:2510:40Labron, Tim
PHIL215 A EpistemologyFULLBldMWF12:0012:50Strand, Jonathan
PHIL241 A Western Philosophy - Modern15 A OSF2FMWF13:0013:50Dumsday, Travis
PHIL270 A Political Philosophy25 A OSF2FMWF15:0015:50Taki, Victor
PHIL275 A Science and Religion15 A OSF2FTR11:1012:25Labron, Tim
PHIL390 A Wittgenstein22 A OSF2FTR15:2516:40Labron, Tim
PHIL499 A Advanced Topics in Philosophy21 A OSF2FTR14:0015:15Strand, Jonathan
PHY 121 C Introductory General Physics I40 A OSF2FTR08:0009:15Voronkov, Igor
PHY 121 GLLab for Introductory General Physics I6 A OSF2FR10:5013:40Voronkov, Igor
PHY 121 HLLab for Introductory General Physics I14 A OSF2FR14:0016:50Voronkov, Igor
PHY 122 A Introductory General Physics II56 A OSF2FTR09:2510:40Rehman, Abdur
PHY 122 BLLab for Introductory General Physics II16 A OSF2FM14:0016:50Manzanilla Saavedra, Bernal
PHY 204 A Introductory General Physics III19 A OSF2FTR12:3513:50Portillo, Stephen
PHY 204 ALLab for Introductory General Physics III15 A OSF2FR17:0018:30Voronkov, Igor
PHY 302 A Chapters of Modern Physics18 A OSF2FTR11:1012:25Portillo, Stephen
PHY 302 ASSeminar for Chapters of Modern Physics9 A OSF2FR15:2516:15Rehman, Abdur
POEC400 A Special Topics in Canadian Public Policy12 OSF2FT14:0016:50Franke, Oliver
POPC 112 A Pop Culture, Philosophy and Religion 2FULLF2FMWF09:0009:50Anderson, Bill
POPC 214 A Film, Philosophy and Religion 2FULLF2FMWF10:0010:50Anderson, Bill
PSCI102 B Introduction to PoliticsFULLF2FMWF11:0011:50Pourmokhtari, Navid
PSCI225 A Canadian Politics: People and Society20 A OSF2FMWF14:0014:50Young, Victoria
PSCI270 A Political Philosophy25 OSF2FMWF15:0015:50Taki, Victor
PSCI276 A Problems of Political Development30 A OSF2FMWF10:0010:50Pourmokhtari, Navid
PSY 104 J Basic Psychological Processes47 A OSF2FMWF09:0009:50Keeler-Esch, Isabelle
PSY 104 K Basic Psychological ProcessesFULLF2FMWF12:0012:50Osmani, Sumaira
PSY 104 L Basic Psychological ProcessesFULLF2FTR09:2510:40Lieb, Glynnis
PSY 105 C Individual and Social Behaviour2 A OSF2FMWF11:0011:50Keeler-Esch, Isabelle
PSY 105 D Individual and Social Behaviour15 A OSF2FMWF16:0016:50Osmani, Sumaira
PSY 105 E Individual and Social Behaviour1 A OSF2FTR11:1012:25Osmani, Sumaira
PSY 105 F Individual and Social Behaviour2 A OSF2FTR12:3513:50Osmani, Sumaira
PSY 211 E Statistical Methods for Psychological Research5 A OSF2FMWF10:0010:50Taikh, Alexander
PSY 211 ELLab for Statistical Methods for Psychological Research5 A OSF2FF11:0011:50Taikh, Alexander
PSY 211 F Statistical Methods for Psychological Research6 A OSF2FMWF13:0013:50Taikh, Alexander
PSY 211 FLLab for Statistical Methods for Psychological Research6 A OSF2FF14:0014:50Taikh, Alexander
PSY 223 C Developmental Psychology1 A OSF2FMWF10:0010:50Orobio, Cristina
PSY 223 D Developmental PsychologyFULLF2FMWF13:0013:50Kulak, Alison
PSY 275 C Brain and Behaviour10 A OSF2FTR08:0009:15Le, Jenny
PSY 275 D Brain and BehaviourFULLF2FTR12:3513:50Le, Jenny
PSY 281 C Principles of Behaviour Change2 A OSF2FTR09:2510:40Sumar, Shelley
PSY 281 D Principles of Behaviour Change17 A OSF2FTR15:2516:40Sumar, Shelley
PSY 307 C Health Psychology10 A OSF2FTR14:0015:15Henley, Adam
PSY 311 D Intermediate Statistics1 A OSF2FMWF09:0009:50Davidson, Ian
PSY 311 DLLab for Intermediate Statistics1 A OSF2FF11:0011:50Davidson, Ian
PSY 311 E Intermediate StatisticsFULLF2FMWF10:0010:50Davidson, Ian
PSY 311 ELLab for Intermediate StatisticsFULLF2FW11:0011:50Davidson, Ian
PSY 311 F Intermediate Statistics8 A OSF2FMWF15:0015:50Narayanan Nedumpully, Nayana
PSY 311 FLLab for Intermediate Statistics8 A OSF2FW16:0016:50Narayanan Nedumpully, Nayana
PSY 319 E Research Designs and Intermediate Statistical Methods in PsychologyFULLF2FMWF11:0011:50Congdon, Jenna
PSY 319 ESSeminar for Research Designs and Intermediate Statistical Methods in PsychologyFULLF2FW10:0010:50Congdon, Jenna
PSY 319 F Research Designs and Intermediate Statistical Methods in PsychologyFULLF2FMWF13:0013:50Camacho-AlpĂ­zar, Andres
PSY 319 FSSeminar for Research Designs and Intermediate Statistical Methods in PsychologyFULLF2FW14:0014:50Camacho-AlpĂ­zar, Andres
PSY 319 G Research Designs and Intermediate Statistical Methods in Psychology1 A OSF2FTR09:2510:40Berry, Matthew
PSY 319 GSSeminar for Research Designs and Intermediate Statistical Methods in Psychology1 A OSF2FR08:2509:15Berry, Matthew
PSY 324 B Adult Development and Human Aging16 A OSF2FMWF08:0008:50Olayinka, Victoria
PSY 333 I Introduction to Group CounsellingFULLInd
PSY 335 D Positive Psychology: The Science of Well-BeingFULLF2FMWF13:0013:50LoRi, Anastasia
PSY 338 E Personality2 A OSF2FMWF16:0016:50Song, Jianhui
PSY 339 C Abnormal Psychology25 A OSF2FTR08:0009:15Thomas, Mackenzie
PSY 339 D Abnormal Psychology12 A OSF2FMWF15:0015:50Orobio, Cristina
PSY 339 E Abnormal Psychology2 A OSF2FMWF10:0010:50DeGuerre, Amanda
PSY 340 B Emotions and BehaviourFULLF2FMWF11:0011:50Passmore, Holli-Anne
PSY 341 C Social Psychology21 A OSF2FTR09:2510:40Marjanovic, Zdravko
PSY 341 D Social Psychology7 A OSF2FTR11:1012:25Marjanovic, Zdravko
PSY 350 B Corrections and Forensics: Criminal Behaviour3 A OSF2FM18:3021:30Abada, Abigail
PSY 351 D Human Sexual Behaviour5 A OSF2FTR11:1012:25Lieb, Glynnis
PSY 351 E Human Sexual Behaviour19 A OSF2FTR12:3513:50Olayinka, Victoria
PSY 358 B CognitionFULLF2FMWF12:0012:50LoRi, Anastasia
PSY 358 C Cognition35 A OSF2FMWF16:0016:50Mangardich, Haykaz
PSY 359 B Atypical Development13 A OSF2FMWF12:0012:50Gilmour, Laura
PSY 367 B Sensation and Perception26 A OSF2FMWF15:0015:50Khan, Atif
PSY 385 A Applications of Learning10 A OSF2FTR14:0015:15Sumar, Shelley
PSY 385 B Applications of Learning10 A OSF2FTR11:1012:25Sumar, Shelley
PSY 399 C Psychology of Women8 A OSF2FTR12:3513:50Sibanda, Noreen
PSY 405 C Special Topics: History and Systems of Psychology8 OSF2FMWF09:0009:50Kulak, Alison
PSY 405 D Special Topics: History and Systems of Psychology2 OSF2FMWF10:0010:50Kulak, Alison
PSY 407 B Special Topics: Economic Psychology10 OSF2FTR12:3513:50Marjanovic, Zdravko
PSY 408 C Special Topics: Nature and Well-beingFULLF2FMWF09:0009:50DeGuerre, Amanda
PSY 410 B Special Topics: Comparative CognitionFULLF2FMWF13:0013:50Congdon, Jenna
PSY 420 B Psychology of Religion1 A OSF2FTR11:1012:25Young, Crystal
PSY 431 C Theory and Practice of Psychometrics11 A OSF2FMWF10:0010:50Narayanan Nedumpully, Nayana
PSY 431 D Theory and Practice of Psychometrics10 A OSF2FMWF12:0012:50Narayanan Nedumpully, Nayana
PSY 435 C Clinical and Counselling Psychology: Theories and ApplicationsFULLF2FTR11:1012:25DeGuerre, Amanda
PSY 435 D Clinical and Counselling Psychology: Theories and Applications5 A OSF2FTR12:3513:50Flood, Mikaela
PSY 477 B Human NeuropsychologyFULLF2FW15:0017:50Gilmour, Laura
PSY 480 A Independent Research in Psychology IFULLInd Taikh, Alexander
PSY 481 I Independent Research in Psychology IIFULLInd Taikh, Alexander
PSY 481 J Independent Research in Psychology IIFULLInd Congdon, Jenna
PSY 486 A Field Placement I8 OSFldR14:0015:15Ross, Carmen
Classes run from:
2024-08-30 to 2025-04-17
Deadline to add/drop:
2024-09-06 12:00:00
Last day to withdraw:
PSY 496 A Field Placement II5 OSFldR14:0015:15Comeau, Thea
Classes run from:
2024-08-30 to 2025-04-17
Deadline to add/drop:
2024-09-06 12:00:00
Last day to withdraw:
PSY 621 A Qualitative Research Methods and Critical Analysis3 A OSF2FM14:0016:50Valiakalayil, Agitha
PSY 633 A Group Counselling13 A OSF2FF13:0015:50Hoover, Stu
PSY 636 A Advanced Personality Assessment3 A OSF2FM18:0019:15Dyce, Jamie
PSY 636 ALLab for Advanced Personality Assessment3 A OSF2FM19:3020:45Dyce, Jamie
PSY 669 A Adult Psychopathology, Diagnosis and Complex Case Conceptualization13 A OSBldT18:0020:50Dyce, Jamie
PSY 806 A Individual and Cultural Diversity in Clinical Practice13 A OSF2FF09:0011:50Comeau, Thea
PSY 830 A Foundations of Psychological Assessment and Testing13 A OSF2FT14:0016:50Dyce, Jamie
PSY 839 A Clinical Psychology Practicum II 2 OSWILW09:0011:50Comeau, Thea
PSY 839 B Clinical Psychology Practicum II FULLWILW13:0015:50Comeau, Thea
PSY 842 A Clinical Field Placement II8 A OSWILR09:3012:20Greidanus, Elaine
PSY 842 ASSeminar for Clinical Field Placement II1 A OSWIL Greidanus, Elaine
PSY 875 A History of Psychology8 A OSF2FT09:3012:20Davidson, Ian
PSY 876 A Psychopharmacology in Clinical Psychology7 A OSF2FR14:0016:50DeGuerre, Amanda
PSY 897 G Candidacy Examination3 OSDTh Dyce, Jamie
PSY 897 H Candidacy Examination3 OSDTh Comeau, Thea
PSY 897 K Candidacy Examination2 OSDTh Greidanus, Elaine
PSY 898 G Dissertation Research9 A OSF2F Greidanus, Elaine
PSY 898 H Dissertation Research10 A OSF2F Comeau, Thea
PSY 898 J Dissertation Research8 A OSF2F Dyce, Jamie
REL 101 A Western Religious Traditions21 A OSF2FMWF11:0011:50Cho, InHee
REL 103 D Greek & Roman Mythology7 A OSF2FMWF13:0013:50Cho, InHee
REL 103 E Greek & Roman Mythology37 A OSF2FMWF14:0014:50Cho, InHee
REL 248 B Christianity and Culture from the Classical Mediterranean to the Modern World.29 A OSF2FMWF09:0009:50Maxfield, John
REL 274 A Violence & Religion3 A OSF2FTR12:3513:50Khaira, Arsh
REL 275 A Science and Religion15 A OSF2FTR11:1012:25Labron, Tim
REL 312 A Magic and the Occult1 A OSF2FTR11:1012:25Muir, Steven
REL 337 A Ancient Near Eastern Religions18 A OSF2FMWF11:0011:50Anderson, Bill
REL 499 A Topics in Religious Studies14 A OSF2FTR09:2510:40Maxfield, John
SOC 100 G Sociological Concepts and Perspectives20 A OSF2FMWF09:0009:50Mhina, Christine
SOC 100 H Sociological Concepts and Perspectives9 A OSF2FMWF14:0014:50Kulpa, Anastasia
SOC 100 J Sociological Concepts and Perspectives5 A OSF2FTR14:0015:15Timm, Tobias
SOC 101 A Canadian Society25 A OSF2FTR16:5018:05Timm, Tobias
SOC 102 B Social ProblemsFULLF2FTR09:2510:40Timm, Tobias
SOC 224 A Sociology of Deviance and ConformityFULLF2FMWF14:0014:50Ayoyo, Damilohun
SOC 224 B Sociology of Deviance and Conformity18 A OSF2FM18:0020:50Pope, Annaliese
SOC 230 A Leisure, Sport and SocietyFULLF2FTR11:1012:25Timm, Tobias
SOC 241 B Social Psychology24 A OSF2FMWF09:0009:50Ayoyo, Damilohun
SOC 241 C Social Psychology13 A OSF2FMWF13:0013:50Ayoyo, Damilohun
SOC 301 B Gender Studies20 A OSF2FMWF15:0015:50Kulpa, Anastasia
SOC 315 B Introduction to Social Methodology34 A OSF2FTR09:2510:40Konnikov, Alla
SOC 315 DLLab for Introduction to Social Methodology6 A OSF2FT14:3516:25Konnikov, Alla
SOC 315 ELLab for Introduction to Social Methodology8 A OSF2FR14:3516:25Konnikov, Alla
SOC 327 A Criminal Justice Administration in Canada30 A OSF2FW18:0020:50Eke, Bede
SOC 333 A Development of Sociology II11 A OSF2FTR11:1012:25Willey, Robin
SOC 344 A Mass CommunicationFULLF2FTR12:3513:50Lozowy, Andriko
SOC 353 A Urban Sociology31 A OSF2FMWF14:0014:50Lozowy, Andriko
SOC 368 A Canadian Ethnic and Minority Relations25 A OSF2FMWF10:0010:50Mhina, Christine
SOC 375 A Sociology of Aging29 A OSF2FTR08:0009:15Eke, Bede
SOC 405 C Advanced Topics in Social Methodology3 A OSF2FMWF10:0010:50Braun, Jennifer
SOC 405 D Advanced Topics in Social Methodology1 A OSF2FMWF11:0011:50Braun, Jennifer
SOC 441 A Sociology of Sects and Alternative Religious Movements3 A OSF2FR14:0016:50Willey, Robin
SPA 101 G Beginners' Spanish IFULLF2FMW
Gaviria-Buck, Sandra
SPA 102 C Beginners' Spanish II3 A OSF2FMW
Primorac, Kate
SPA 102 E Beginners' Spanish II2 A OSF2FMW
Alexander, Katherine
SPA 102 F Beginners' Spanish II4 A OSF2FMW
Gaviria-Buck, Sandra
SPA 212 A Intermediate Spanish II17 A OSF2FMW
Primorac, Kate
UFDN 199 C University Foundations4 OSF2FMWF13:0013:50Coggins, Christopher
WRI 300 C Essay Writing (Non-fiction)3 A OSF2FTR09:2510:40Cook, Trevor
WRI 391 A Introduction to Creative Writing: Fiction13 A OSF2FM18:0020:50Odor, Jasmina
WRI 401 A Magazine Editing and Production11 A OSWILW16:0018:50Roberts, Declan
Classes run from:
2024-08-30 to 2025-04-17
Deadline to add/drop:
2024-09-06 12:00:00
Last day to withdraw:
X-ARB 02 A Modern Standard Arabic II18 OSOnlS09:0011:00Fang, Xinxin
Hussein, Mai
Khursan, Neemat
Classes run from:
2025-01-11 to 2025-04-05
Deadline to add/drop:
2025-02-28 12:00:00
Last day to withdraw:
X-ARB 04 A Modern Standard Arabic IIII19 OSOnlN09:0011:00Fang, Xinxin
Hussein, Mai
Khursan, Neemat
Classes run from:
2025-01-12 to 2025-04-06
Deadline to add/drop:
2025-02-28 12:00:00
Last day to withdraw:
X-ART 11 E Simple Sketching and Painting23 OSOnlM18:0021:00Fang, Xinxin
Sinclair, Amanda
Classes run from:
2025-01-13 to 2025-04-07
Deadline to add/drop:
2025-03-15 12:00:00
Last day to withdraw:
X-CHN 01 B Chinese HSK Level 112 OSF2FM16:0017:30Fang, Xinxin
Classes run from:
2025-01-13 to 2025-04-14
Deadline to add/drop:
2025-02-28 12:00:00
Last day to withdraw:
X-CHN 02 B Chinese HSK Level 218 OSF2FT16:0017:30Fang, Xinxin
Classes run from:
2025-01-14 to 2025-04-15
Deadline to add/drop:
2025-02-28 12:00:00
Last day to withdraw:
X-CHN 03 B Chinese HSK Level 320 OSF2FW16:0018:00Fang, Xinxin
Classes run from:
2025-01-15 to 2025-04-16
Deadline to add/drop:
2025-02-28 12:00:00
Last day to withdraw:
X-CHN 04 B Chinese HSK Level 420 OSF2FR16:0018:00Fang, Xinxin
Classes run from:
2025-01-16 to 2025-04-17
Deadline to add/drop:
2025-02-28 12:00:00
Last day to withdraw:
X-CHN 52 E Introduction to Chinese Culture99 OSOnl Fang, Xinxin
Classes run from:
2025-01-13 to 2025-01-31
Deadline to add/drop:
2025-01-27 12:00:00
Last day to withdraw:
X-CHN 52 F Introduction to Chinese Culture99 OSOnl Fang, Xinxin
Classes run from:
2025-02-01 to 2025-02-28
Deadline to add/drop:
2025-02-25 12:00:00
Last day to withdraw:
X-CHN 52 G Introduction to Chinese Culture99 OSOnl Fang, Xinxin
Classes run from:
2025-03-01 to 2025-03-31
Deadline to add/drop:
2025-03-27 12:00:00
Last day to withdraw:
X-CHN 52 H Introduction to Chinese Culture99 OSOnl Fang, Xinxin
Classes run from:
2025-04-01 to 2025-04-20
Deadline to add/drop:
2025-04-17 12:00:00
Last day to withdraw:
X-CHN 53 E Traditional Chinese Wellness99 OSOnl Fang, Xinxin
Classes run from:
2025-01-13 to 2025-01-31
Deadline to add/drop:
2025-01-27 12:00:00
Last day to withdraw:
X-CHN 53 F Traditional Chinese Wellness99 OSOnl Fang, Xinxin
Classes run from:
2025-02-01 to 2025-02-28
Deadline to add/drop:
2025-02-25 12:00:00
Last day to withdraw:
X-CHN 53 G Traditional Chinese Wellness99 OSOnl Fang, Xinxin
Classes run from:
2025-03-01 to 2025-03-31
Deadline to add/drop:
2025-03-27 12:00:00
Last day to withdraw:
X-CHN 53 H Traditional Chinese Wellness99 OSOnl Fang, Xinxin
Classes run from:
2025-04-01 to 2025-04-20
Deadline to add/drop:
2025-04-17 12:00:00
Last day to withdraw:
X-CHN 91 B Tai Chi19 OSF2FR16:0017:00Fang, Xinxin
Classes run from:
2025-01-16 to 2025-04-17
Deadline to add/drop:
2025-03-31 12:00:00
Last day to withdraw:
X-IND 01 B Indigenous Engagement and Collaboration21 OSF2FR18:0020:50Pascal, Kyla
X-ISS 03 A Part-Time Full Stack Development Bootcamp20 OSOnl Classes run from:
2025-01-27 to 2025-06-27
Deadline to add/drop:
2025-02-15 12:00:00
Last day to withdraw:
X-ISS 04 A Part-time Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence Bootcamp20 OSOnl Classes run from:
2025-02-03 to 2025-07-03
Deadline to add/drop:
2025-02-28 12:00:00
Last day to withdraw:
X-ISS 11 E Fundamentals of Cybersecurity100 OSOnl Fang, Xinxin
Classes run from:
2025-01-13 to 2025-01-31
Deadline to add/drop:
2025-01-27 12:00:00
Last day to withdraw:
X-ISS 11 F Fundamentals of Cybersecurity100 OSOnl Fang, Xinxin
Classes run from:
2025-02-01 to 2025-02-28
Deadline to add/drop:
2025-02-25 12:00:00
Last day to withdraw:
X-ISS 11 G Fundamentals of Cybersecurity100 OSOnl Fang, Xinxin
Classes run from:
2025-03-01 to 2025-03-31
Deadline to add/drop:
2025-03-27 12:00:00
Last day to withdraw:
X-ISS 11 H Fundamentals of Cybersecurity100 OSOnl Fang, Xinxin
Classes run from:
2025-04-01 to 2025-04-20
Deadline to add/drop:
2025-04-17 12:00:00
Last day to withdraw:
X-PHI 01 B Introduction to Philosophy99 OSOnlT18:0020:50Fang, Xinxin
Strand, Jonathan
Classes run from:
2025-01-07 to 2025-04-15
Deadline to add/drop:
2025-02-10 12:00:00
Last day to withdraw:
X-PHI 02 B Introduction to Logic99 OSOnlR18:0020:50Fang, Xinxin
Strand, Jonathan
Classes run from:
2025-01-09 to 2025-04-17
Deadline to add/drop:
2025-02-10 12:00:00
Last day to withdraw:
X-SKL 01 D Career Transitions: Career Management & Action Planning30 OSOnl Fang, Xinxin
Classes run from:
2025-01-13 to 2025-01-31
Deadline to add/drop:
2025-01-27 12:00:00
Last day to withdraw:
X-SKL 01 E Career Transitions: Career Management & Action Planning30 OSOnl Fang, Xinxin
Classes run from:
2025-02-01 to 2025-02-28
Deadline to add/drop:
2025-02-25 12:00:00
Last day to withdraw:
X-SKL 01 F Career Transitions: Career Management & Action Planning30 OSOnl Fang, Xinxin
Classes run from:
2025-03-01 to 2025-03-31
Deadline to add/drop:
2025-03-27 12:00:00
Last day to withdraw:
X-SKL 01 G Career Transitions: Career Management & Action Planning30 OSOnl Fang, Xinxin
Classes run from:
2025-04-01 to 2025-04-20
Deadline to add/drop:
2025-04-17 12:00:00
Last day to withdraw:
X-SKL 02 D Career Transitions: Professional Communication & Branding30 OSOnl Fang, Xinxin
Klippenstein, Janet
Classes run from:
2025-01-13 to 2025-01-31
Deadline to add/drop:
2025-01-27 12:00:00
Last day to withdraw:
X-SKL 02 E Career Transitions: Professional Communication & Branding30 OSOnl Fang, Xinxin
Classes run from:
2025-02-01 to 2025-02-28
Deadline to add/drop:
2025-02-25 12:00:00
Last day to withdraw:
X-SKL 02 F Career Transitions: Professional Communication & Branding30 OSOnl Fang, Xinxin
Classes run from:
2025-03-01 to 2025-03-31
Deadline to add/drop:
2025-03-27 12:00:00
Last day to withdraw:
X-SKL 02 H Career Transitions: Professional Communication & Branding30 OSOnl Fang, Xinxin
Classes run from:
2025-04-01 to 2025-04-20
Deadline to add/drop:
2025-01-17 12:00:00
Last day to withdraw:
X-SKL 03 D Career Transitions: Networking & Building Professional Relationships30 OSOnl Fang, Xinxin
Classes run from:
2025-01-13 to 2025-01-31
Deadline to add/drop:
2025-01-27 12:00:00
Last day to withdraw:
X-SKL 03 E Career Transitions: Networking & Building Professional Relationships30 OSOnl Fang, Xinxin
Classes run from:
2025-02-01 to 2025-02-28
Deadline to add/drop:
2025-02-25 12:00:00
Last day to withdraw:
X-SKL 03 F Career Transitions: Networking & Building Professional Relationships30 OSOnl Fang, Xinxin
Classes run from:
2025-03-01 to 2025-03-31
Deadline to add/drop:
2025-03-27 12:00:00
Last day to withdraw:
X-SKL 03 G Career Transitions: Networking & Building Professional Relationships30 OSOnl Fang, Xinxin
Classes run from:
2025-04-01 to 2025-04-20
Deadline to add/drop:
2025-04-17 12:00:00
Last day to withdraw:
X-SOC 91 E Go Abroad 50 OSInd Fang, Xinxin
Classes run from:
2025-01-13 to 2025-01-31
Deadline to add/drop:
2025-01-27 12:00:00
Last day to withdraw:
X-SOC 91 F Go Abroad 50 OSInd Fang, Xinxin
Classes run from:
2025-02-01 to 2025-02-28
Deadline to add/drop:
2025-02-25 12:00:00
Last day to withdraw:
X-SOC 91 G Go Abroad 50 OSInd Fang, Xinxin
Classes run from:
2025-03-01 to 2025-03-31
Deadline to add/drop:
2025-03-27 12:00:00
Last day to withdraw:
X-SOC 91 H Go Abroad 50 OSInd Fang, Xinxin
Classes run from:
2025-04-01 to 2025-04-20
Deadline to add/drop:
2025-04-17 12:00:00
Last day to withdraw:
X-SOC 93 E Intercultural Engagement Reflection49 OSOnl Fang, Xinxin
Classes run from:
2025-01-13 to 2025-01-31
Deadline to add/drop:
2025-01-27 12:00:00
Last day to withdraw:
X-SOC 93 F Intercultural Engagement Reflection50 OSOnl Fang, Xinxin
Classes run from:
2025-02-01 to 2025-02-28
Deadline to add/drop:
2025-02-25 12:00:00
Last day to withdraw:
X-SOC 93 G Intercultural Engagement Reflection50 OSOnl Fang, Xinxin
Classes run from:
2025-03-01 to 2025-03-31
Deadline to add/drop:
2025-03-27 12:00:00
Last day to withdraw:
X-SOC 93 H Intercultural Engagement Reflection50 OSOnl Fang, Xinxin
Classes run from:
2025-04-01 to 2025-04-20
Deadline to add/drop:
2025-04-17 12:00:00
Last day to withdraw: