Extension Information Systems Security 11

Regular university classes run from Jan. 8, 2025 to Apr. 17, 2025
Regular deadline to add/drop: Jan. 15, 2025 12:00pm  
Regular last day to withdraw: Apr. 3, 2025  

Extension Information Systems Security 11 X-ISS 11
Fundamentals of Cybersecurity 0 (0-0-0-0-0)

Fundamentals of Cybersecurity provides learners with no previous cybersecurity knowledge with an overview of the field and an understanding of strategies to break into this growing IT specialization of cybersecurity. It also provides learners with some prior IT/computer science training, but who are not currently working in the field, with core cybersecurity skills that will enable them to rejoin the IT field.

Note: Instruction Hours: 10-20 hours in total (online)

Further information: Course availability and times