Religious Studies 275

Regular university classes run from Jan. 6, 2021 to Apr. 14, 2021
Regular deadline to add/drop: Jan. 13, 2021 12:00pm  
Regular last day to withdraw: Apr. 14, 2021  

Religious Studies 275 REL 275
Reasoning: Scientific and Religious 3 (3-0-0-0-0)

The purposes of this course are to compare the reasoning and methodology found in science with those found in religion, and to consider whether and how religious considerations could rightly be used in science, and vice versa. The course begins with an analysis of scientific reasoning and methodology, drawing from contemporary philosophy of science. It then examines, for the sake of comparison, examples of religious reasoning drawn from contemporary philosophy of religion and theology.

Credit Restriction: Credit may be obtained for only one of Religious Studies 275 or Philosophy 275 or Philosophy 475

Prerequisites: 2nd year standing required
Further information: Course availability and times