Psychology (Graduate Studies) 806

Regular university classes run from Sep. 2, 2025 to Dec. 5, 2025
Regular deadline to add/drop: Sep. 3, 2025 12:00pm  
Regular last day to withdraw: Nov. 6, 2025  

Psychology (Graduate Studies) 806 PSY 806
Individual and Cultural Diversity in Clinical Practice 3 (2-1s-0-0-0)

This course focuses on links between human diversity and psychological processes that contribute to mental health, mental illness, and the provision of mental health services. Diversity is explored through social class, gender identity, culture, ethnicity, ability, and age. We will consider several basic questions, including: What is diversity and how does it shape individual and group experience? How does diversity involve oppression, disenfranchisement, and marginalization? How is diversity related to peoples’ perceptions of fairness, justice, and wellbeing? What is the relevance of these perceptions to mental health? How is diversity related to the clinical presentation of common mental health disorders and the process of change and recovery? How does diversity challenge dominant assumptions that affect the provision of mental health services? The emphasis of the material presented and studied in this course will be on the Indigenous people of Canada and the immigrant communities of diaspora, in addition to the experience of LGBTQ2S+ individuals.

Note: This course is open to Doctor of Psychology (PsyD) in Clinical Psychology students only.

Prerequisites: Psychology (Graduate Studies) 801
Further information: Course availability and times