Political Science 270

Regular university classes run from Sep. 4, 2019 to Dec. 6, 2019
Regular deadline to add/drop: Sep. 11, 2019 12:00pm  
Regular last day to withdraw: Dec. 6, 2019  

Political Science 270 PSCI270
Political Philosophy 3 (3-0-0-0-0)

This course is intended to provide students with a thorough historical survey of political theories which fundamentally inform the Western tradition. The core concepts of political philosophy will be examined through a close reading of primary texts. Students will be provided with a firm grounding in political theory through study and critical discussion of these philosophical classics. Studied texts will include Plato's Republic, Aristotle's Politics, Machiavelli's Prince, Marx's Manifesto, and Rawls' Theory of Justice.

Note: 3 credits of Philosophy or Political Science is recommended as a prerequisite.

Credit Restriction: Credit may be obtained for only one of Political Science 270 or Philosophy 270 or Philosophy 470

Prerequisites: 2nd year standing required
Further information: Course availability and times