Music 372

Regular university classes run from Sep. 1, 2023 to Dec. 8, 2023
Regular deadline to add/drop: Sep. 8, 2023 12:00pm  
Regular last day to withdraw: Nov. 24, 2023  

Music 372 MUS 372
Vocal Pedagogy 3 (0-3s-0-0-0)

Students registered in Vocal Pedagogy will study in depth the anatomy of singing, with focus on proper posture, the breathing mechanism, resonance, the larynx, vocal registration, and healthy singing. Students will also gain knowledge that will help them with their own vocal instruction, and will get a taste at teaching their own voice student throughout the duration of this class.

Credit Restriction: Credit may be obtained for only one of Music 372 or Music 373

Prerequisites: Music 211 and Music 213 and MUPV 226
Corequisites: Academic Integrity Training 100
Further information: Course availability and times