Music (Applied) 495

Regular university classes run from Sep. 4, 2019 to Dec. 6, 2019
Regular deadline to add/drop: Sep. 11, 2019 12:00pm  
Regular last day to withdraw: Dec. 6, 2019  

Music (Applied) 495 MUP 495
Recital Preparation in Applied Music 1.5 (0-1s-0-0-0)

Private music lessons in the student's primary area of study, including the preparation and research for substantial performance in recital.

Note: May not be taken concurrently with any MUP course in a student's primary area without consent of the Department. An additional fee is charged (Section 5.2).

Credit Restriction: Credit may be obtained for only one of Music (Applied) 495 or MUPB 495 or MUPG 495 or MUPK 495 or MUPP 495 or MUPH 495 or MUPS 495 or MUPV 495 or MUPW 495

Prerequisites: Music (Applied) 327 and Music 490 and Consent of Department
Further information: Course availability and times