Mathematics 200

Regular university classes run from Jan. 8, 2025 to Apr. 17, 2025
Regular deadline to add/drop: Jan. 15, 2025 12:00pm  
Regular last day to withdraw: Apr. 3, 2025  

Mathematics 200 MAT 200
Foundations of Mathematics 3 (1-2s-0-0-0)

An introduction to proofs and axiomatic set theory.

Note: Restricted to students with a major, concentration, or minor in Mathematics, or to students with permission of the Department. Open to first-year students.

Prerequisites: (Math 30-1, Pure Math 30 or equivalent) or (Math 30-2 or equivalent) or (Math 31 or equivalent) or Mathematics 110
Corequisites: Academic Integrity Training 100
Further information: Course availability and times