Environmental Health (Graduate Studies) 602

Regular university classes run from Sep. 4, 2019 to Dec. 6, 2019
Regular deadline to add/drop: Sep. 11, 2019 12:00pm  
Regular last day to withdraw: Dec. 6, 2019  

Environmental Health (Graduate Studies) 602 ENVH602
Environmental Management II 3 (3-0-0-0-0)

An overview of the health concerns relating to our drinking and recreational water. Focus will be on the identification of chemical and bacterial hazards, and the risk management of public and private water supplies. Source protection and pollution concerns for ground and surface water; and water quality issues for recreational water and swimming pool water will be discussed. There will also be discussions on waterborne pathogens and procedures for declaring a Boil Water Advisory.

Note: Open to students in the Graduate Diploma in Environmental Public Health Practice or by permission of the department.

Further information: Course availability and times