Drama 308

Regular university classes run from Jan. 8, 2025 to Apr. 17, 2025
Regular deadline to add/drop: Jan. 15, 2025 12:00pm  
Regular last day to withdraw: Apr. 3, 2025  

Drama 308 DRA 308
Special Project in Theatre Performance or Production II 3 (0-6s-0-0-0)

Participation in the creation and presentation of a major Drama program production or theatre project deemed suitable by the department, completion of production or project, related research and written reflection. Students may participate in the course in a variety of creative roles, i.e., performer, director, playwright, stage-manager, etc. Students spend a minimum of 75 hours working in a key position on a department production alongside professional directors, designers and choreographers or lead their own publicly presented production under the guidance of a faculty member. The performances are presented to a paying public audience withaccompanying marketing and publicity.

Note: Admission into this course will be by audition/interview for actors or interview for stage managers and technicians. Students who register will be contacted to arrange an interview or audition. This course involves work-integrated learning

Credit Restriction: Credit may be obtained for only one of Drama 308 or Drama 309

Prerequisites: Drama 307 [C minimum grade required] and 2nd year standing required and Consent of Department
Corequisites: Academic Integrity Training 100
Further information: Course availability and times