Chemistry 400

Regular university classes run from Jan. 8, 2025 to Apr. 17, 2025
Regular deadline to add/drop: Jan. 15, 2025 12:00pm  
Regular last day to withdraw: Apr. 3, 2025  

Chemistry 400 CH 400
Undergraduate Thesis in Chemistry 6 (0-0-0-0-0)

A research-based course in which students conduct year-long original research project culminating in the submission of an Undergraduate Thesis. Both a written report and public presentation of results is required. The research project is determined in consultation with a supervising Faculty member.

Note: Open only to students in the Bachelor of Science 4-year degree program in Chemistry or the Dual Degrees Program Bachelor of Management and Bachelor of Science in Chemistry. Only 6 credits should be obtained out of CH 400 (Undergraduate Thesis in Chemistry), CH 401 (Chemical Research), CH 402 (Chemical Research) and CH 491 (Woek Placement II).

Prerequisites: 4th year standing required and Consent of Department
Corequisites: Chemistry 325 and Academic Integrity Training 100
Further information: Course availability and times