Chemistry 211

Regular university classes run from Sep. 2, 2022 to Dec. 9, 2022
Regular deadline to add/drop: Sep. 9, 2022 12:00pm  
Regular last day to withdraw: Nov. 25, 2022  

Chemistry 211 CH 211
Quantitative Analytical Chemistry I 3 (3-0-4-0-0)

The fundamental chemistry of quantitative analysis: principles, methods, and experimental applications of analysis. Handling and treatment of data using simple statistics. The course surveys the major titrimetric methods 'acid-base, precipitation, complexation, and reduction-oxidation' with a significant focus on aqueous equilibria. Laboratory work focuses on the development of precise laboratory skills using the volumetric and gravimetric analysis of organic and inorganic compounds.

Prerequisites: Chemistry 102 [C- minimum grade required] and 2nd year standing required
Further information: Course availability and times